Chapter 17 - Friendships

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(A/N) Finally...

so so so sorry it took me 2 weeks to get this out. I played a soccer game and ended up injuring my leg that badly I had to go to the Drs to get stuff to stop the pain. I was bed bound for a week and even when I spent most of that time in bed I couldn't concerntrate on the story.

I might take awhile to post the next Chapter cause the season is starting next week so I won't have as much spare time to write so I'm really sorry in advance.I defs will finish this story dw about that!

On the other hand I written a one shot before I got injuried. it's called Happier and it's based off the song Happier by Marshmellow ft Bastille. I ended it the way I did so you can imagine what would happen next, I won't be posting another chapter for it but If you heard the song you will know where I'm getting at.

Anyways Enjoy...


That skip in her step she had this morning turned into a hop, skip and jump once she came back through those big wooden doors.

Sure she was running a bit late but who could blame her, being kissed by one of Paris superheroes was just the highlight of her day.

Even if she was secretly the other hero.

But no one knew that, not even Chat Noir.

The bluenette didn't get far as she tried to enter the classroom, screaming teens came running out towards her, taking her with the mad rush and almost crushing her on impact.

It was insane.


Chat Noir had detransformed in the locker room, back to Adrien Agreste. He could practically hear Plagg's lecture even before the Kwami had exited out of the ring.

But when screaming was heard, Adrien panicked then groaned. It would take Plagg a moment to fuel back up so he could transform again, back in Chat Noir and the students were already being turned into the akuma's minions from what he could see out of the window.

When he saw Marinette stop just outside the door, looking as if she was searching for someone or something, he jumped into action.


The akumitized villain had come out of Mrs Mendeleiev's class, her doll like hands touching students if they got too close to her.

Barbie like dolls were taking those students places, naked like and staying stiff on the spot like statues.

If Marinette was in that class she would of known who had been a victim to Hawkmoth's wrath. Instead she had the brillant job of trying to guess out of 15 or so classmates.

She had gotten out of the crowd of students and started looking for a place to transform. If people were hiding then she had very limited in spaces.

When hands snaked around her waist and yanked her into a room, Marinette panicked, going into Ladybug mode and trying to manoeuvre herself so she was out of whoever's grasp.

When the person had locked her in position she panicked more and started kicking her arms and legs around, hoping in some way it would set her free.

"Calm down." The familar voice said, instictivly kissing her on the cheek.

Adrien panicked once he gave her that affection, forgetting he was now Adrien Agreste and not Chat Noir but Marinette relaxed, watching the door swing shut in front of her.

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