Chapter 25 - Its Always You

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(A/N) Hey all I'm back again.

After a long case of writers block and life getting in the way I bring you this chapter before the storm happens.

I couldn't find a way to turn this since I already made Luka look like the sweet and innocent guy and didn't have a selfish bone in his body, but I really needed this to make my story work so don't hate me!

Also I have written out another one shot recently to help me get rid of writers block so when you have finished reading this check it out as well.

It's called: The Cat Can't be Moved.
I written from the song The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script.

Well enough talk.


Things had been strange, unsettling in Adrien's opinion. He couldn't quite figure out what had changed in the last few weeks that had seem to make things feel this way.

Seeing Bunnix was a good thing in its own way, she saw a future where things went wrong, she fixed it.

Then why did things not feel right?

The blonde sighed, leaning his head against the cool glass of the car window. He didn't know what to think anymore, nor how to feel. Everything just felt numb in his opinion and had felt that way ever since his mum passed.

He sighed again, this time his breath had fogged up the glass. Without realising he drew a small Ladybug on the cool window and smiled at his handy work.

Adrien was no artist or had any creativity in his body but he was quite impressed how the little creature turned out.

Ladybug was now on his mind and that unsettling feeling had crept it's way back into the pit of his stomach and his smile faded with the thought of her.

Over the last few weeks she had seemed stress, not in this world as if something was bothering her. It didn't seem to be the fact that she was now the Guardian and she had now a big responsibility on her shoulders.

It just felt bigger.


The vehicle had came to a halt, throwing the blonde off the car window, his body now sitting up right in his chair. All thoughts of his partner were gone and replaced with the reminder he was almost at his destination to meet with Kagami.

His eyes moved toward his window again, watching the by passers go by, blured by the fogged up window.

His attention then went to the Ladybug drawing on the glass, noticing a familar looking person standing patiently on the side of the road as if she was waiting for someone to arrive.

"Pull over please!" The blonde yelled in an intance. Quickly taking off his seatbelt, not bothering to wait for the car to come to a complete halt. "Marinette" he yelled from down the street, waving to grab her attention.


Marinette rocked on the balls of her feet, waiting for Luka to arrive. She didn't understand why she had been on edge, there were so many times they had done this and she had never felt this way around him before.

But this time was different. This time Luka had asked her on an actual date instead of their alone gatherings.

Marinette wasn't actually sure what she had called their meetings anymore.

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