Chapter 10 - Unexpected

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(A/N) I hope everyone had a great New Years, mine was okay, I finally got my comic out of the way and posted on my instagram if anyone wants to check it out.

I've been doing one shots in between this story as I've been experiencing a bit of writers block. I know how to end it but its all the inbetweens that has gotten me stuck.

Fear not, I should be back up and writing more soon, just need to get this fighting scene out of the way before anything interesting happens between my favourite ship. (MariChat)



Unexpected circumstances is what Nino had foreseen in this everyday life. Being Alya's boyfriend just added to those surprising moments. That was only one of the things he loved about the reporter.

When Chat Noir came knocking on his balcony door though, it had seem to take a whole new meaning to the word unexpected.

Sure he was a superhero himself and they were called on countless times to fill in when needed but when Chloe revealed their idenities he didn't think a superhero would show up on his doorstep again.

Well balcony.

The DJ was on his computer, flicking through the playlist with his earphones sheltering his ears from the outside sound. He didn't noticed the superhero at his window at first.

Alya had gotten him out of that trance when she had blew up his phone over and over again, making the device vibrate in Nino's pocket.

Pulling down his earphones Nino answered. "Sup babe."

"Nino, you better get down here, I need someone to fill in for me. I got stuck babysitting the twins." Alya demanded.

"Another akuma attack I presume." Nino chuckled, winding his headphone cord between his fingers.

"This one is big Nino! I just got deets about the person that's akumitized and its Kagami! I wonder what sunshine boy did to make her so angry."

The DJ pushed his chair back and swivled around, leaning over and pinching the brim of his nose as he spoke. "Adrien wouldn't do something like that on purpose, maybe the had an arguement over something like..." Nino looked up and out his window at that moment, his jaw dropped at the sight in front of him. "-Marinette!"

"What? Marinette? Why would they have an arguement about Marinette?" Alya was confused on the other side of the line.

Chat was tapping on the glass with a tense look on his face. There Marinette was still unconscious in his arms, her arm dangled down from her side and her head was tilted slightly back from the way Chat was carrying her.

Nino just sat there, gaping like a fish out of water. Unexpected was merely the word to discribe what Nino was witnessing right now as he felt bolted to his computer seat.

"Nino? Nino? Don't tell me he finally has feelings for my girl? Oh, when I see him he's going to..."

Nino cut her off, speaking at an accelerating rate. "SorryIgottogoseeyoulaterbye!"

As quick as he spoke, the DJ was at his door in a flash, unlocking it and allowing the black claded superhero into his room.

"Thanks." Chat breathed. "Can you look after her? Kagami is after Marinette and I had to take her where she least expected her to be."

Nino lost a bit of colour to his cheeks as the blood slowly drained from his face. What he said earlier must of been wrong, maybe something big did happen. Why else would Kagami be after the petite girl if it didn't have anything to do with Adrien.

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