Chapter 3 - Not Over You

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(A/N) More Chapters to come so be patient while I load them up... might be here till midnight doing it but oh well

Please enjoy...


'Does Ladybug and Chat Noir live in Paris?'

A new post from the Ladyblog lit up on all three computer screens, alerting Adrien of the recent poll Alya had posted.

He was shock to say the least, did Alya really think he and Ladybug weren't living in Paris?

What gave her that idea?

'I have been searching for footage on Miracle Queen's attack and by far everyone that I could see got stung by her wasps, that raises the question as to why Ladybug and Chat Noir weren't in the cross fire. Could our superhero duo be living outside of Paris? What are your thoughts on the matter?'

His thoughts on the matter would be too revealing. Maybe it was a good thing she thought that; throwing Alya off the possibility that he and Ladybug tip toed around the blogger.

Maybe he did but Ladybug; he wasn't quite sure of that.

It did raise the question as to why Ladybug had chosen Alya to be Rena Rouge. It was risky, having a live stream reporter out on the feild, especially one that had been Akumitized as much as Chloe has.

He avoided questioning his partner, only for now. If he up and lively asked her as to why she had chosen his friends to be superheroes then that might lead to a possible reveal and he couldn't have that.

It had to be someone close to him though.

As much as he wanted to know who Ladybug was he couldn't, he wanted so desperately to put a name to the masked face but that would mean giving up his freedom.

"Plagg, do things change since Ladybug is now the guardian?"

His kwami was munching on a wedge of cheese over on his night stand. He gulped the piece down in one go before he spoke. "What do you mean by things changing kid?"

"Well Master Fu knew who we were when he was guardian, does that mean Ladybug has to know who I am?" Adrien question, getting a bit too giddy at the possibility of a half reveal.

If he could at least see her reaction to whom he was he would rather take that over nothing.

"It's really up to her but no."

Adrien's face fell, all excitement left his body as he hunched over in his seat.

"Why do you want her to know you so badly? Your meant to be in a relationship with Kagami."

Adrien sighed, looking up at his black cat companion "I know but if there's a possibility that she would-" Swivelling back around to his computer screens, Adrien ran his hands over his face and groaned. "-oh, never mind."

"Your not over her, are you kid?" He cringed at Plagg's words.

No, he wasn't over her.

How much Adrien tried to win her heart she kept rejecting him but that didn't stop him. It wasn't till she beamed at his fake girlfriend that he decided to move forward and to try and get over her.

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