Chapter 15 - Heart Break

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(A/N) Happy Valentine's Day
I know I'm posting a Chapter called 'Heart Break' on Love Day lol sorry not sorry.

This wasn't the chapter I had written out though, I wanted to put more into this and explain it more but I couldn't find a way to end it and it was so short as well, so I written this out instead.

I based this chapter off the song Happier by Marshmellow ft Bastille, it got me really inspired. I also got 3 ships in this so I hope you like the mixture.

If you notice I placed my new mini Lukanette comic into the photo bar, so check that out as well, took me 24hrs to draw with hardly any sleep. I'm still currently running off no sleep and its 4am here in Aus lol.

Hope you Enjoy...


He kissed me!

Marinette smiled to herself, her heart pounding at an accelerating pace. She touched the spot where Chat's soft lips were placed, still feeling that strange tingling sensation.

If Tikki didn't tell her it was real, that it wasn't just her silly mind playing tricks on her. Then she would of thought it was all just a dream.

Thank goodness it wasn't.

The way he looked after her when she was sick, purring while he held her tight made her heart soar with a new fondness towards her partner.

A feeling she never thought was possible to have around him.

Sure her alter-ego had kissed him before, the last time being more intimate then a kiss on the forehead but she was too focus on the job then to appreciate what it really felt like at the time.

A small giggle escaped her mouth as she felt giddy about the newly fond feeling she had towards her partner.

"What's so funny?" Luka asked, sipping his coffee while he stared at the girl in front of him.

Finally coming down from cloud nine, Marinette realised she had been out of it for awhile. "Oh. Umm..." She didn't know what to say to him.

Today was meant to be her first real date with Luka, taking her out to a cafe just down the road from her place.

She just had to be thinking about another boy right now.

What is wrong with me? Marinette thought, whacking her fist against her head lightly.

Luka's eyebrow went up, making the bluenette stop in her tracks, going red in the face, her hand stilled in the air.

Quickly, she tired to cover for herself. "I... uhhh..." looking around the place, her eyes set on her strawberry thickshake that was in front of her. "It just tastes so good."

Her lying skills would be getting as good as Lila's by now if she kept this up.

Luka still looked at her strangely, going silent for a breif moment before he finally spoke. "You haven't even touched it yet!" Luka pointed out, making Marinette hit her head yet again.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. She repeated in her head. Of course she didn't.

Fumbling with another explaination the musican just put up his hand to stop her. Awkward silence then filling the air as he sipped his coffee again.

"You want to talk about the real reason you were spaced out or should I guess?" Luka suggested, giving the bluenette a way to come clean before he said anything to make her feel even worse.


Marinette looked back down at her shake, twittling her thumbs in her lap and kicking her foot lightly on the tables leg.

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