Chapter 13 - Out Sick

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(A/N) This took a lot longer then expected...

I written this chapter out when I was half asleep only to read it over again and delete most it. It was done a week ago but then redone just the last few days. I just managed to sneak this in before my Soccer Game.

I'm hoping to post the next Chapter this weekend as I know how the next scene will play out with my two favourite people... sorry no spoilers.

P.S. I changed the cover of the book as I finally got around to drawing a cover, before I used one of my old drawing to tie me over until I got around to this. I hope you like it.

Also we reached 1k readers ♡ Thank You so Much




"Are you sure you want to keep patrolling like this? We can stop and rest if you like." Chat asked, leaping over another building while his partner struggled to keep up.

She landed a bit off balanced, reaching her arms out to grab anything that was nearby. The only problem was her cold brought out the clumsy Marinette from within, making her lose more balance then what she thought she had.

"Whoa, whoa!" Chat caught her fall, smiling at her when she glanced up at him. "I got you little bug."

Ladybug's face heated up from the closeness of her partner, or was it from her sickness? She wasn't quite sure at this stage.

Chat locked onto her bluebell eyes, looking at them a bit longer then he normally would. His breathing was steady, fanning her already heated cheeks.

Ladybug, however had stopped breathing, her heart beated way faster then it normally would. his green eyes pierced through her soul, lighting it up from within.

Did she always have this feeling around him?

Chat Noir was the first to break the moment, quickly retracting his hands off from her and rubbing his nape as he glanced into the distance at the lights of the Eiffel Tower.

Memories of the way Marinette looked at him at the zoo was all that was flashing through his mind. He could see that same hurt flash through Ladybug's eyes and it pained him. Her bluebell eyes somehow remind him of Marinette's.

Did they always share the same colour eyes?

Chat cleared his throat, watching his partner perched herself on the edge of the building. "Do you want to end patrol early tonight? I think it would be best if you rested up."

Ladybug waved him off, placing her chin into her hands. "I'm fine Chaton, really."

"You sure?" He asked cautionally, sitting down next to her. "Hawkmoth hasn't struck in days, everything seems quiet. I can handle the rest of patrol on my own."

She looked his way, still resting her heavy head in the palm of her hand. "That's the thing kitty, he hasn't attacked Paris, we should be more alert then normal."

He groaned, placing his own chin between his gloved hands. "Maybe he has given up or he is sick as well?"

A hearty laugh echoed through the air, followed by some strain coughing. "W-We aren't that l-lucky Chat." She choked, her fist covering her mouth as she finished her coughing fit.

"I might not be but you!" He looked her way and grinned. "Your out of action and he still hasn't attacked. I find that luck within itself." When Ladybug's face frowned from under her mask he quickly responded. "Well not completely out of action... but still."

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