Chapter 14 - An Eventful Night

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(A/N) It's here as promised.

I had some fun with this chapter so I hope you like it, was a bit stumped at the start but managed to weave it in with what I wanted to happen at the end.

P.S Thanks for the now 1.5k views and 70 likes, it's good to know people are liking what I write. (Even if sometimes I feel like the story is bad.)

I hope you Enjoy...



A loud clunk echoed into the night as the broom stick made contact between chat's feline ears.

This was not how he pictured his quiet night to turn out.

"Chat Noir, I'm so sorry!" A gasp was heard followed by a clang when the object of interest hit the ground.

Chat managed to keep a grip on the side of Marinette's balcony, his claws digging into any cracks or bumps the old building accumulated over the years.

He could feel the egg on his head grow, a pulsating pain now going through every inch of his brain causing now a migraine to form.

A clawed hand went up to the spot that had somehow hurt more then he thought it could, rubbing the now obvious bump that was beginning to cut through his thick blonde hair.

Why him, why his luck?

"Chat? A-are you... okay?" Marinette cautionally asked, her hands stretched out but unsure in where to put them.

Looking up at the girl, her figure came into view. The concerned look on her face followed by her flush red cheeks made Chat furrow his mask. She didn't look well, much like how Ladybug looked only moments ago.

Was there a bug going around?

"Chat? Say something!" Her voice was worried and fearful.

"B-bug!" He replied in a daze.

Marinette jumped slightly by the mention of her alter-ego, fearing he had figured her out. "W-what?" Startled she squeaked.

"Ummm... ugh!" Chat rubbed his head again, closing his eyes briefly to focus on what he wanted to come out of his mouth. "I mean, y-you got a bug... in your hair."

The bluenette yelped, patting her head frantically to get whatever thing made its way onto her hair.

Chat saw amusement in the way Marinette jumped around like a crazy person, managing to get up on her railing and chuckling to himself.

Laughter made most of the pain fade away.

The bug finally fell onto the ground, making the bluenette jump back and shake in disgust. "Gross!" She stuck her tounge out and continued to pat her head to make sure it was the only thing that was there.

He continued to laugh.

"It's not funny!" She piped, getting angry at the black cladded hero. "I will whack you again." Marinette warned.

Chat put his gloved hands out in front of him, trying to suck in the laughter and defend himself at the same time.

"Okay, okay. Calm down Princess." Tears of joy pricked his eyes, biting his bottom lip so he didn't start bursting in hysterics again. "You got to admit, it was pretty funny."

Marinette picked up the broom, sending the feline a warning she was being serious, but her sickness made her facial expression soften, not looking anywhere as serious as her body was currently showing.

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