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harry had been watching louis all day after lunch. he never took his eyes off the boy and every class he had with louis, he made sure they sat beside each other. he didn't think it was awkward, he just didn't want louis to feel left out.

the bell had finally rang for seventh period and harry was so thankful.

he walked to his locker, which wasn't that far away, and put the books away that he didn't need. he felt someone shove into him and both him and the other person fell to the floor.

"oops." louis said timidly and quickly got off harry, helping harry up afterwards. louis face was flushed as they both got up to their feet.

"hi." harry said but louis just ran off.

he was confused, did he do something wrong? all he did was say hey and louis ran off. he just sighed and went to his seventh period.


"so he just ran off?" niall asked harry for the billionth time since they've been in the locker room. harry had explained everything to niall and now he just kept asking the same question over and over again.

this always happens, every time harry tells niall something, niall will just keep asking questions and honestly, harry didn't feel like dealing with it at the moment, no matter how much he loved the boy.

"for the last time, yes. now please, stop asking." harry said softly, watching louis and he dressed out. harry thought there was something wrong with how small he looked.

whenever louis had his baggy jacket on, he looked like he weighed about as much as a normal teenager. but whenever his jacket was off, he looked like he weighed as much as a ten year old.

"well, maybe you should try and talk to him later. like, ask if he needs a ride home." niall said, putting his shirt on then getting his bag out of his locker. harry put his shirt on over his head, after he put some deodorant on. he hated the way the locker room smelled, it was a mixture of sweat, cologne, and deodorant.

harry scrunched his nose, waiting for niall to get done.

"yeah, i'll ask him whenever he leaves the locker room." harry said, walking out with niall following close behind him. they walked through the gate of the football field and went to the main entrance of the school, stopping at niall's locker.

everyone's locker was right whenever you walked into the school so it wasn't that far.

harry watched as the boys from the locker room walked to their lockers, most of them talking loudly. harry hated it whenever people were loud, it gave him a headache, he was more of a quiet people.

that's why it bugged him so much whenever niall slammed his locker door shut and harry swore, he felt the ground shake from it.

harry caught louis' eye and walked over to him, leaving niall alone at his locker.

louis had his books held up to his chest tightly, his head tilted down towards the floor as he walked over to his locker, putting a few of them in.

harry watched louis from a distance, waiting on him to get through with what he was doing.

whenever louis was done, he shut his locker carefully, barely making a sound.

he looked up at the same moment that harry started walking towards him. louis backed up a bit and moved closer to his locker.

"hi." harry said quietly and louis just looked at him for a second before finally looking down, mumbling a quick hi.

"so I was wondering, would you like me to drive you home?" harry asked. he didn't mind driving someone home, it's not like he was driving across the state.

"um, you don't have to do that, i'll, uh, i'll be fine." louis said, starting to walk about but harry grabbed louis arm.

"oh my gosh, are you okay?" harry asked as louis winced.

harry remember that he had a friend before who cut himself and he winced whenever someone grabbed him.

slowly, harry pulled up louis' sleeve and moved louis' bracelet, ignoring louis' pleads of protest.

harry pulled louis closer whenever he tried to pull away, moving the rest of the bracelets up so that he could fully see louis' wrists.

he frowned at the deep gashes everywhere on louis' arm. his arm was covered in cuts, a few bruises, and scars.

"oh louis.." harry said, pulling the boy into his arms as he cried.

harry noticed niall watching from the distance but just waving him off, pulling the fragile boy closer.

"sh, it's okay. i've got you." harry soothed, rubbing little circles on louis' back until he calmed down.

louis wiped at his eyes, trying to stops his tears. harry felt horrible, he didn't understand why someone would ever want to hurt themselves. everyone was beautiful in their own ways.

"okay, i'll drive you home. but, i want to go to and talk to you for a while, is that okay?" harry asked, pulling away from louis for a moment.

"yeah, okay." louis replied, pulling his bag over his shoulders, and getting a book out of his locker, pulling it incredibly closer to his chest.

harry went outside, louis following close behind him. harry opened the car door for louis and let him get in before going to his side and getting in and cranking the car.

he turned the radio on and slowly bobbed his head to the music, harry didn't think it was weird, he actually thought it was normal that he did it, niall did the same thing.

after a while, harry finally pulled into louis' driveways, after louis told him where to go. sighing because he knew that he had a long night of talking ahead of him.

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