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"kiss me."

harry sworn he could've felt his heart skip a few beats and almost jump out of his chest. his heart was beating so freaking loud and he thought that louis could've heard it.

louis was starting at him, his blue eyes looking into harry's soul and slowly burning his insides out. and he didn't know what to do, because, sure, he really really wanted to kiss louis, but at the same time, he didn't. because he didn't want to ruin their relationship and risk losing him as a friend, but if he did kiss him, he could tell him how he really felt. he finally knew the answer, he was in love with louis.

not the kind of love where you hug and kiss, he meant the kind of love where you feel like you're walking on a cloud of love and your brain is fogged with that one person, you simply can't get them off of your mind; they're constantly there. always on your mind throughout the day and you can't stop thinking about them. it's like they own and control your thoughts. the kind of love where a small argument makes you upset and you end up hugging just a few seconds later. the kind of love that harry was in. where he felt like he was always walking on a cloud, but he was falling, falling in love.

slowly, louis leaned in, and harry stool there, perplexed. but it wasn't long until, he too, was leaning in.

their lips brushed slightly at first and harry felt butterflies in his tummy again. so he ignored them, moving his hands down to louis' waist and pulling him closer while louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck.

but it wasn't long until they were pulling away, louis face flushed and harry's in shock.

louis smiled at him then rested his head on harry's shoulder. not caring about how the rain was getting stronger and was probably going to turn into a storm. he watched the way the clouds turned togther, twisting into a mixed color of black, gray, and white.

but what make him start to panic was whenever he felt how hard the wind was against his bare arm. feeling like thousands of needles jabbing into him and leaving the marks frozen.

"lou, i think we need to get home, like now." harry said, grabbing on one of louis' small, delicate fingers and pulling him towards the house. it was maybe a block away so luckily, they got there just in time whenever the sirens started ringing.

louis whined like a five year old and jutted his bottom lip out, stomping his foot on the floor, "i hate storms. they scare me."

harry bit down on his bottom lip, slightly chewing on it. he didn't want to bother louis with questions but he did want to make louis happy. and safe, always safe.

"you know, you could always sleep with me, i mean, that's only if you want to. cause i wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch, if-"

"shut up you dork," louis laughed, placing a finger over harry's closer lips an smiled brightly, his eyes crinkling at the sides as he did so, "of course i'll sleep with you."

harry couldn't help but smile, his dimples started too show and louis raised his hand, sticking his small fingers into harry's dimples and twirling them around like it was the coolest thing in the world. which harry didn't have a problem with it, he thought it was absolutely adorable and he loved it whenever louis would touch him.

his stomach would turn into a twist of knotted butterflies and his heart would start beating fast, and it confused him how louis never seemed to hear it. but he was also quite thankful for that.

he gently took louis' hand, watching how louis' small hand fit perfectly in his own. he love how soft and warm louis' hand was, it felt like warm silk ad harry loved it.

gently pulling louis upstairs, he took him to his room to watch a movie and maybe cuddle. so he set louis on the bed and put a lot of Disney movies in front of him, such as, toy story, high school musical, and ice age. whenever louis finally decided on high school musical, he put it in the disc player, which decided to mess up, so it took about ten minutes to get the movie started.

finally, harry lied down behind louis, wrapping his arms around the boy and pulling him closer. louis turned over so harry was laying on his back and he could rest his head on his chest, wrapping an arm around his waist in the process.


"high school musical, who says we have to let it go." louis sang along with the words as harry smiled, playing with the boys feathery hair and kissing it every so often.

"you should sing more often," harry smiled, pulling louis closer into his side, "you're really good at it"

louis scrunched up his nose, shaking his head, "i suck."

even though many people had told him that he was an amazing singer, he didn't believe them, he thoughts he sounded horrible, considering his voice was way too high pitch.

harry rolled his eyes at the boy, "go to sleep."

laughing, louis closer his eyes and laid there, slowly drifting off to sleep for another morning with harry.

this absolutely sucks, i'm so sorry.

i haven't been updated and i'm really really sorry for that just a lot is going on right now between one direction and that greasy burrito, and my best friend, and family issues, and some personal issues and i am so sorry that i couldnt update.

also, my friend and i have solo dms with harry[1], niall[4], louis[1], zayn[1], jc [2], luke hemmings [1], calum hood [1], ariana grande [2], luke brookes [1], beau brooks [1], ashton [1], jake miller [1]. and we started getting them a week ago haha.

but i feel like i'm forgetting some people..

oh well.

dedicated to: narrycoco because I love her so much

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