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that's how harry felt at the moment. he felt like his heart was about to explode because he was just so happy.

peaceful was a word that harry didn't use all too often. there was very few times that harry thought moments were peaceful, like a few years ago.

harry remembered watching his sister, gemma, curl her hair. he thought she was just so beautiful. he liked watching her curl her hair in the mornings and straighten it during special events. he remembered how peaceful it was to just sit there and watch her while she worked on her hair.

back then, everything was peaceful to him, and he wished he could just go back to those old days.

the old days where gemma wasn't at collage, the old days were his mum was actually home, the old days when he could just come home and everything was perfect.

but also, he loved right now, the moments with louis.

harry didn't quite understand how everything had happened but he knew that he wouldn't change it for anything.

louis' head was resting on harry's chest, moving slightly whenever harry would take a deep breath. louis' hands were fisting harry's shirt, barely holding on, but still there.

harry loved the way louis looked whenever he was asleep. he loved how louis' eyelashes brushed across his cheekbone and how his lips parted slightly whenever he would exhale.

he looked like an angel, a beautiful angel who just wanted to go home.

harry tensed up when louis rolled over in his sleep, hiding his face in harry's chest. so harry just ran his fingers through louis' hair.

he thought louis' hair was so soft and harry smiled, because he smells like honey. louis' room just had a scent to it that harry absolutely loved, it was a mixture of laundry detergent and honey.

at the moment, every thing seemed perfect to him. every little thing was perfect, and he loved it. because he was with louis and it was so peaceful.

but, all happy things come to an end, and harry's little dream ended whenever louis' mum came in the room.

she was a young woman, she had brown hair and she looked really nice.

"who are you?" she asked, eyeing between harry and louis.

"i'm harry, i'm louis' friend." harry said, watching as louis stirred in his sleep for a few seconds before waking up. opening his eyes, which, harry thought his eyes were beautiful. everything about louis was beautiful to harry.

his eyes, his hair, his face, his nose, his laugh, his smile, everything.

louis was so perfect.

and that's what made harry sad, because louis was beautiful just the way he was, but here he was, hurting himself. and louis didn't deserve that.

"morning louis," his mum said, crossing her arms, "care to explain why you're sleeping with a stranger?" harry didn't like her already, she was mean, really mean.

"i don't know," louis yawned, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands, before sitting up and resting against the headboard.

harry was glad that his mum wasn't like that, she was nice, and really caring, louis' mom on the other hand, didn't seem nice at all.

which led to harry wondering if his mom knew about him self harming, because if she did, she was obviously making it worse. louis' mum was treating him like crap at the moment, and things are always different behind closed doors, harry learned that the hard way with his father a few years ago, but he never told anyone about it.

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