Secret |Draco Malfoy|

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Draco held my hand, walking through the halls, softly whispering to me and laughing. In private of course. No one knew I was dating him and no one expected us to be dating. I mean, I am a muggleborn after all. I'm not even a Slytherin so that sets it.

His father despised my family so, he could never know. I'm pretty sure his mother knew though. She's not all that bad. She was actually very pleasant. It's a sort of surprise that they're together. You meet a sweet mother and then get in a yelling fight with a pathological psychopath.

Draco stopped after a while of walking a kissed my forehead. "Hurry up, Y/n. I want to see the sunrise before it's too late." He whispered.

I laughed and grasped his other hand as he ran backwards, pulling me towards him. "Draco! Slow down!"

He put a finger to my lips. "Shh... They might hear us."

I nodded and we ran out towards the Astronomy Tower. "Who's there? Ye children will be the death of meh!"

Filch. Draco pushed me into a closet. "Well, that's amazing. Filch finds us after ten minutes!"

He pulled me from the door. "Shut up or he's going to find us. We both know my father cannot hear about about this."

I sighed. "I know. I just wish he wasn't such an incompetent prewd."

He hugged me. "I wish he wasn't as well. But, he is. We'll just have to keep this secret until it's safe."

We waited about five minutes in very close capacity. He pushed open the door, looking towards each hallway to see if anyone was there. He looked back to me and nodded. I walked out behind him, holding his arm. He smiled and ran with me the whole way to the Astronomy Tower.

It was starting to get lighter little by little. He picked up the pace as we ran up the steps. I almost tripped so he picked me up. I shouted into his shoulder, "Draco!"

He laughed and eventually stopped, setting me down. I smiled at him and sat down on the bench that was now next to me. He sat on my right and held my hand, staring into the sky. "I wish my father would accept you."

I looked at him, wondering why he would say this out of nowhere. "What do you mean, Draco?"

He groaned. "You know what I mean. I just wish we could be together! Without the disapproval of my father."

I sighed and lay my head on his shoulder. "I wish so too. But that's not going to happen." I kissed his cheek.

"Maybe so. But I want to be with you. Just you and me. No Dark Lord. No blood status. Just me and you, my love."

I grinned. "Who knew the Slytherin Prince could be so romantic?"

He glared at me. "Shut it. I have an reputation to uphold."

I rolled my eyes. "I know you don't mean that."

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