Cedric Part 3

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I stepped out of the bathroom. "I'm done!"

I was wearing a long, flowy f/c dress with my hair up in a cute hairdo. Freya was wearing a lilac colored ballgown and it was beautiful. Her hair was down with small braids throughout her hair.

She smiled. "You look beautiful, Y/n!"

I shrugged. "Not as good as you!"

Freya rolled her eyes. "Ya, you don't look as good as me because you look better!"

"Let's both just stop. Both of us are looking amazing and those guys are lucky to have us."

She nodded. "They're waiting!"

We walked to through the halls until we found Justin and Cedric. Justin blushed and looked at Freya. Cedric stared at me and smiled. "You're beautiful, my love!"

I smiled and took his arm. The rest of the seven Champions lined up. (Two from each school plus Harry. You'll see why) Fleur looked towards me. "You look good, Y/n. And you too Hermione!" Her thick French accent made her words flow gracefully.

"Thanks, Fleur. You look amazing aswell. And Hermione! I love your dress!"

She smiled. "Let's just say, these boys got lucky."

We all laughed and walked into the Ballroom to our Champions' Dance. Cedric's eyes were on me the whole time—minus the times where Cedric would check on Freya and Justin. The whole night was amazing. My f/c dress was shimmering and twirling with my movements.

Cedric bent down to kiss me and we walked off to get food. He stared at me the whole time. "What? Did my makeup smudge? Is there something on my face?"

"No, you just look perfect. You always do." Cedric smiled and I blushed. "You look tired. Most people already went to their dorms."

"We aren't most people though."

He laughed. "No, we aren't."

By the end of the ball, there were half of the people from each school left. They played some muggle songs. We did conga lines and I got to meet a lot of new people. Finally, they announced the last dance of the night. I lay my head on Cedric's shoulder. I saw Freya and Justin closer together and I smiled at them. My eyes were starting to close. "Hey, let's go back to the dorms. You look tired." I nodded and Cedric walked me back to y/h common room.

~Timeskip brought to you by George's left ear~

I opened my eyes. Today was the Final Task. The Maze. I was confident in Cedric. He was smart and resourceful. He would be fine. The other two Hogwarts Champions wouldn't. Harry was too young and Marinette was book smart, but she didn't have common sense. No offense to her. She still had a chance to win.

The Champions lined up and ran into the Maze. I heard Fleur's screams and I flinched. Then I heard the Bulgarian Brute shout out a war cry. Cedric was shouting something. I froze and held onto Hannah who was already in tears. Everything was silent for the next five minutes. Fleur appeared outside of the Maze, followed by Viktor.

The portkey appeared and so did Cedric, Harry, and Marinette. Marinette wasn't moving and Harry and Cedric were both crying. Fleur let out a piercing scream. The Hogwarts band carried on with their music as if their own classmate and student didn't die.

I ran onto the field and went to Marinette's body. Her pulse was gone. Cedric choked back on tears and then screamed at the staff. "Are you going to just stand there and celebrate? Do something! A student is dead and you haven't even bothered to come over here!"


All of the students gasped and started whispering. Hannah was bawling and Freya and Justin had to comfort her. One student stood up. "That means that Hogwarts isn't safe!"

Harry stood up. "Nowhere is safe anymore. Voldemort is everywhere. And so are his followers. Everyone needs to take caution, but he isn't to his full strength. He's weak!"

~Timeskip brought by my hate for Dumbledore~

I lay back into Cedric's chest. It had been around two years since Marinette's death and Voldemort's return. Umbridge took over the school and then Dumbledore came back. Then the war was in full force until we finally achieved peace. Cedric and I already graduated earlier. He asked me to marry him in the summer, which I happily said yes to. I love my life. Sure, there were a lot of crazy and horrific things that have happened so far, but I'm looking forward to just being with Cedric.

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