Marriage |Charlie Weasley|

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"And so I told Fred to stop or I'd slug him! And he didn't stop. So guess what I did, Y/n?"

"You slugged him?"

"I slugged him!"

Y/n smiled at her fiancé's sister, Ginny. She was set to marry her fiancé, Charlie, in a few months. Ginny absolutely adored Y/n. She considered Y/n a sister and Y/n thought of Molly as a mother figure.

Y/n and Charlie had started dating during their last years of Hogwarts after Y/n finally agreed to go out with him. They were now twenty-one and preparing for their wedding.

"Really? Why would you do that, Ginny?" The two girls turned around to see Molly and Arthur behind them. Arthur picked Ginny up. "You should apologize," Molly scolded.

Ginny's nose scrunched in annoyance. "Why should I? He kept calling me small."

Y/n smiled at her. "Can I tell you a secret?" Ginny nodded. "Fred was small when he was your age too," Y/n whispered.

Ginny smiled and she wiggled out of her father's arms, running to Fred who was walking into the kitchen. She was about to run into the a table but Fred quickly lifted her into his arms. "Ginny! You could've ran into the table and gotten hurt! Don't do that again," he scolded.

Y/n, Molly, and Arthur watched as the two siblings walked out of the room, arguing about candy or something irrelevant. Arthur turned his attention back to Y/n. "It seems like there's something bothering you. What's wrong?" He asked, sitting on the living room couch next to Y/n and Molly.

"I know this is a really weird request and you shouldn't feel pressured to accept it but would you, Molly, by any chance do the honor of helping me get ready for my wedding day?" Molly smiled as Y/n continued. "And I was wondering if you could walk me down the isle, Arthur. I know it's usually the job of the bride's father but-"

Molly cut off her rambling. "Y/n. We would be honored to. You know that we consider you a daughter, right? You're already a part of our family."

Molly and Arthur wrapped their arms around Y/n, smiling widely as if they had received the greatest news possible. "Where's my hug?" Charlie asked, appearing from seemingly nowhere.

Charlie made his way to the couch and kissed Y/n softly on the forehead. He was about to say something but was interrupted by Ron screaming. "There's a spider in my room!"

Charlie sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'll see you later, my love," he said with a smile before running up the stairs of the house. "I'm coming, Ron!"

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