Cedric Part 2

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Author's Note: In this story, the Yule Ball will take place after the Second Task. This is because I feel that it will flow better. And Cedric's friends' names are going to be random Hufflepuff names because I don't know what his friends' names actually were.

~Cedric's POV~

I looked everywhere for Y/n. She must be at the game bleachers already. I thought. I ran over to the Champions platform. We were supposed to rescue people from underwater. I didn't know that it was going to be people who we care about. I cast a bubble head charm and got ready to dive into the water. I gave Harry a supportive smile and got into position.





I dove into the lake and looked around. I saw Y/n floating with seaweed holding her down and an air bubble to keep her from drowning. The merpeople started to attack me. I defended myself until they left to threaten the others. I used my wand to cast Y/n free and I swam with her up to the surface. Freya and Hannah pulled Y/n up first as she started to spit out the water from her air bubble popping too early. I put my arm around her and we huddled together with our towels, watching the other contestants.

~Your POV~

I felt myself wake up and water filled my lungs. Cedric pulled me above the water and Freya and Hannah took me up on the platform. I realized that the staff used me and a few other teens for the challenge. I was beyond mad. They were endangering our lives now too. I lost my thoughts when Cedric kissed my cheek. "Are you ok?"

I smiled at him. "Yes, Ced." But really, I wasn't. I was scared to death for him.

~Timeskip brought by George's left ear (sorry, I had to)~

Everyone was asking each other to the Yule Ball today. I just slumped around. Cedric had asked me and I would go with him, but I'm still scared for his life and what was going to happen in the Third Challenge. Freya was also rather sad, I don't know why. She just sat down in our next class without a word. "Rey, what's wrong?" I whispered to her.

She shrugged. "I don't think Blaise is going to ask me to the ball."

I frowned. "But he snogged you?"

"He hasn't talked to me or looked at me since." She sighed.

I didn't like seeing her like this. "Look, he's in the same class right now. Maybe he'll ask you now."

She shook her head and continued to work.

Freya looked as if she was holding in tears. I looked to what she was staring at and saw Blaise asking Pansy to the Ball. Freya got up, turned in the assignment and left. Hermione followed after her, trying to console her. I finished my assignment, turned it in, and went to find Cedric to tell him about the issue.

I ran up to Cedric. "I'm going to kill Blaise and I need someone's help.

Cedric looked at me weird and his friends looked concerned. "What happened?"

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