Changes |Draco Malfoy|

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I rushed down the corridor leading to the Potions room down in the dungeon. I took a deep breath as the cold breeze made me shiver. I felt my back hit a cold wall. Why did this have to happen now? I'm going to be late! Draco, the Pureblood Slytherin Prince, was with his three baboons, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle. I sighed. "What do you want?" I looked towards Pansy, assuming she was the one who pushed me. When Draco's baboons bullied me, he didn't take part of it. He was different. It seemed as if he didn't want me to get hurt. I knew that he was 'mean' but I couldn't help but harbor feelings for him. It wasn't his choice to act this way. His whole life was chosen for him.

Crabbe sneered at me. "Pansy said that you haven't been giving her the homework answers!" They had been blackmailing me for the past year or so.

I tried to move away from them, but Goyle pushed me back against the wall. "Well, we can't have the teachers think that you're cheating now, can we? They've already began to ask me why you are getting the same answers right and wrong as I. And I refuse to allow you to blackmail me any longer, Pugface!" I felt proud that I told her off and I could've sworn that Draco smiled for a split second.

Draco, who was previously zoned out, moved back into the conversation. "Pansy-"

Pansy huffed. "No, Draco!" She turned back to me. "You will keep doing what I say or I will tell everyone that you are Professor Lupin's-"

"Leave my father out of this!" I hissed.

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Adoptive father. Too bad he couldn't have picked a better orphan."

"Screw this and screw all of you! It doesn't matter if he's my adoptive father! He took care of me and I couldn't give a flying hippogriff's bloody crap about you!" I slapped Pansy across the face and they all gasped as I walked away to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Turn to page three hundred and sixty-four. Can anyone tell me what a-" My father stopped and I turned to see Pansy raising her hand with an obviously fake and painted mark on her cheek. "Yes, Ms. Parkinson?"

"Y/n slapped me! Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy all saw it! Look at the mark she made on my face!" The two goons nodded while Draco stayed quiet, focusing on what the lesson would be on. "She should be expelled!" Pansy whined, earning annoyed looks from around the room.

My father looked at me as I glared at Pansy. "You are so full of it!" I shouted.

"LY/N! Hush! Pansy, I doubt an O rate student would ever do that without a reason. She has never been violent with anyone before."

Pansy scoffed. "You're just defending her cause she's your 'daughter' and you're a professor who can keep her from getting in trouble! Bloody hell! She's even your adoptive daughter! That means that nobody wanted her! Why would you defend that Mudblood?" She used air quotes when she said the word 'daughter'.

I froze and tears started to form. I didn't want anyone to get mad at my father for teaching me. That's why I never told anyone. I made my way out of the class, unaware of a certain blonde boy following me. "L/n!" I turned back to see Draco. "What's-"

I hugged him. I didn't care if we weren't friends. I just needed comfort. He wrapped his arms around my waist awkwardly, obviously not used to comforting a person. "I'm sorry about Pansy. She's always been jealous of you," He whispered to me.

I looked up at him and tilted my head. "She has? What for?"

He smiled at me. "Well, for starters, everyone likes you."

I sighed. "The Slytherins don't."

He looked at me. "Second off, you are bloody brilliant! You have more brains than Hermione, yet you can be enjoyable."

I smiled at him. "Really?"

He nodded. "And we can't forget how nice you are! You make even Hermione smile when she's mad! And finally, you're prettier than Ol Pugface is."

I blushed. "That last part's a lie."

"It's not! You are really beautiful, Y/n!"

I looked down at the ground. He tilted my chin up to him with his index finger. "And, the thing you said about Slytherins not liking you. It's true. I don't like you."

I felt my eyes get glossy. He said all those nice things, but he hates me. "Oh." He laughed and pulled me to him. He kissed me and to no surprise, I kissed back. It felt right. It felt like he maybe actually did like me. I pulled away. "Why'd you do that if you don't like me?" I tried to hide the disappointment in my voice.

He looked me in the eye. "Because I fancy you."

I froze and looked at the ground before hugging him. "I fancy you too."

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