Double Date |Scorpius Malfoy|

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I rushed up to my twin brother, Albus Potter. "Alby?"

He groaned at the nickname. "What do you want, Y/n?"

"Can I hang out with you and Scorpius today? Abby said that she was sick and can't go with me to Hogsmade," I said with a sigh.

Albus groaned. "It's Hogsmeade! Not Hogsmade!" He corrected me with a scowl.

"Ooh! Are you talking about going Hogsmeade?" I turned to see Scorpius and I nodded. "Can my cousin come?"

I tilted my head in confusion. I didn't know that Scorpius had a cousin going to the school. "Who?"

"Oh! She's the new transfer student from Beauxbatons! She's friends with James. She's a Hufflepuff," he answered.

"Andromeda." Albus must've recognized her. "She's in James' year, right?" He asked.

Scorpius nodded and Albus laughed. "I can tell that James likes her. He's always like 'Ande always plays pranks on me'. 'Ande touched my hand today. I'm disgusted'. 'Ande said that I was good at quidditch'!" Albus fake fainted.

Scorpius laughed. He was cute. He must've taken after his father. I shook my head and returned to the conversation. Scorpius grinned. "We should try to get them together and then we could be brothers-ish!" Albus and Scorpius fist bumped. I laughed at them.

Albus smirked. "Or," he paused and looked at me and Scorpius. "You two could get together." He wriggled his eyebrows and I flicked him on the forehead.

"It's not gonna happen, Al. Scorpius is just my friend." Or did I like him more than that? Scorpius frowned but nodded in agreement.

Albus looked at him in pity. I wondered what that was for. Rose ran up to us and grabbed my arm and twirled me around. "He asked me out!"

I looked at my cousin. "Who?"

She seemed annoyed that I didn't know who. "Mace Zabini!" She squealed.

I jumped up and down. "What did you say?"

She shook me. "I said yes, of course!" We stopped jumping. "But, he wanted to know if you'd come on a double date so it wouldn't be awkward. It was either you or James."

Albus huffed. "Why not me?"

Rose laughed. "After Delphine, I don't trust your judgement in dating."

He groaned. "You start to like Voldemort's secret daughter ONCE! And no one forgets!" Albus rolled his eyes.

We all laughed and I turned back to Rose. "Well, we want to get Andromeda and James together, so take them!"

"Andromeda?" Rose asked.

Scorpius stepped in. "My cousin."

"Oh! Ande, she's so sweet! I'll force them to go. All you guys need to do is spy," Rose instructed.

We all nodded and separated. We started to make our way to Hogsmeade, Andromeda and James were in front of us. They were talking about how annoying the new Potions teacher was. Scorpius grabbed me by the arm. "Do you think this'll work?"

I shrugged. "Who knows."

Albus smirked at us. "I can see what's happening!"

Rose smirked as well. "And they don't have a clue!"

"They'll fall in love!"

"And give it time!"

"Our trio's down to two!" They both sang in sync, laughing.

I blushed. "Haha! Very funny. Amazing Disney reference," I joked back.

I looked over to see Scorpius blushing too. He shot Albus a desperate look before watching Rose pull me ahead of them. "You like him!"

"I do not!" I punched her shoulder.

The boys were right behind us and Rose decided to have some fun with me. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Malfoy," she said loudly.

Scorpius froze up and I blushed even more. "Rose!"


Albus pulled me back to leave Rose and Scorpius planning how to get Andromeda and my oldest brother together. "Scorpius likes you too, you know," he said, looking at me with a serious expression.

I shook my head. "No he doesn't!"

Albus looked at me with a look that only a brother could give to a sister when their sister's heart is broken. He hugged me. "I have proof that he likes you. Oi! Scorpius! Come here!"

Scorpius nodded and walked back to where we were, leaving Rose to walk by herself. I blushed as soon as Scorpius reached us. "Scorp, Y/n here-" I ran to Rose.

I thought to myself. I'm going to kill Albus once we get home for the holidays. One more week. That's all I have to wait. I turned to Rose who raised an eyebrow at me. "Well, we made it to Hogsmeade. Mace said to meet him at Honeyduke's!" She announced.

Albus grabbed my arm once again. "You're gonna have to tell him soon! What if he stops liking you if you don't confess? I can't have my little sister's heart be broken," he said, sounding concerned.

"First off," I said, "we are twins. Second of all, why in the bloody hell would I tell Scorpius I like him? I get too nervous around him!" I scolded my level-headed brother. He was still my favorite sibling though.

Albus' eyes went wide and he glanced over at something. Or rather, someone. Scorpius. "Bloody hell." I tried to fast walk to James and Andromeda who were headed into Honeyduke's. Keyword, tried.

Someone grasped my wrist. I turned to see Scorpius. He looked at me. "Do you really like me, Y/n?" I nodded and he smiled. "Good, cause I like you too!"

I looked up from the floor, shocked. "You like me?"

He nodded. "Why wouldn't I like you? You are the most amazing person I've ever met," he admitted.

I smiled. Andromeda cheered and James looked angry. "You better treat my sister right, Malfoy!"

Scorpius did the famous Malfoy smirk. "I say the same to you and my cousin!"

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