Ron's Sister |Harry Potter|

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Y/n rushed down the dimly lit hallways of Hogwarts. Was she scared? Yes. It just so happened to be that the famous Draco Malfoy was now chasing her, screaming crude and unspoken terms as in blood traitor and offensive names for children who's parents were squibs. Was she affected by this? Yes. She hated being a witch more than anything, for as soon as her parents found out, the kicked her to the muddy street outside of her family's small countryside home.

Her mother was in fact from a magical bloodline, but she was not a witch, she was a squib. A squib who hated magic, that is. Y/n was sent to live with her mother's cousin who happened to be the mother of seven children. That women also happened to be none other than Molly Weasley. Her children automatically became attached to Y/n, sure she wasn't like them, they had flaming red hair while she had her plain h/c. And of course, she was the same age as Ron. Meaning that she had meet the incredibly famous Harry Potter. She also had a crush on the so-called celebrity.

"Weasley! Get back here!" Malfoy's voice struck fear in the hearts of the many first years passing by. Y/n started to pick up speed.

She quickly shimmied her way through the crowded Hogwarts corridor. She spotted the familiar flaming red hair of one of her cousins. She ran to person, not caring which cousin it was. She looked up to Ron and he gave her a confused look. "It's Malfoy! He's chasing me because I said he was a no good, slimy git of a ferret!"

Hermione laughed and Harry put an arm around Y/n protectively. She blushed and tried to avoid eye contact with him. "Oi! Malfoy! You loathsome git! Stay away from my cousin!" Ron started to shout at Draco, making everyone, including Draco, flinch and jump.

Draco rolled his eyes. "At least I'm not a squib's unwanted daughter! Your mother kicked you out to live with the poor blood traitors! The poor Weasleys have to deal with you. Making the poor even poorer!" Draco stormed away, leaving Y/n with tears in her eyes.

Ron turned back to the girl that he saw as his sister and hugged her. "You know that isn't true, right? We don't see you as a bother at all!"

The girl wiped her tears and pushed the boy away. "No need to lie to me. I know that ever since we were four that I was a burden. It's not fair! Your mother is wasting money on me when she should just kick me out." Y/n rushed down the corridors, barely missing students.

Harry turned to an upset Ron. "Ron, let me handle this," he said to his friends, trying to calm him.

"Just make sure she's okay." Harry nodded at him as Hermione tried to comfort Ron the best she could.

Harry knew where Y/n would go. She told him of the place she'd go when something went wrong or she just needed to get away. The secret passage behind the Black Lake. There was a tiny opening between the forest and the lake that led to a pretty meadow that you would've guessed was not even possible due to the lack of light. Harry sprinted into the meadow, knowing that Y/n would be there. And sure enough, she was.

It broke Harry's heart to see her in this position, broken and sad. He sat down on the grass next to her and pulled her in for a hug. "Y/n, you know that you aren't a burden. If you were, Molly wouldn't have taken you in," Harry said, almost instantly comforting the girl.

The said girl buried her head in Harry's chest. "I know everyone says that, but I know that the Weasleys wouldn't be going through so much trouble with money. I should just move out," Y/n stated, trying to hold back a sob.

Harry looked at the girl. He grabbed her softly by the chin. "Don't ever say that! Molly and the Weasleys all love you." He paused. "I love you."

Y/n froze as two things went through her head. Was she happy? Obviously. Was he going to kiss her? Probably, she wasn't sure. Harry leaned towards her and she leaned in as well. Their lips connected. It was a short kiss, but it was meaningful. Harry smiled. "Would you maybe be my girlfriend?"

Y/n laughed at his awkwardness. "Yes, Harry. Of course I will!"

"Good!" Harry said, leaning into Y/n once again.

Their second kiss was longer than the first. Only to be ruined. "Bloody hell, Harry! I told you to make sure she was okay, not snog her." Ron scrunched up his face. "You both disgust me!"

"Don't call my girlfriend disgusting!" Harry laughed and Ron paled.

"Girlfriend? That's my cousin! My sister! My best friend! I'm going to kill you!"

Hermione pulled Ron's arm. "Leave them alone, Ronald!"

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