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This was requested by yerlocalslytherin for the ship Bleville, NevillexBlaise. So here...

Neville's POV

I looked around the classroom. It was my eighth year at Hogwarts, right after the Wizarding War. All the seventh years had to come back for an eighth year because of the disruption in education. People worshiped me as a hero. It made me uneasy and uncomfortable. I hated attention. Actually, hate isn't a strong enough word. I despised attention. I despised eyes being on me. And I despised the people who stared at me.

It was bad enough that I was friends with the famous Golden Trio. But know I'm known as the Boy Who Killed the Last Horecrux. Not very catchy. I know. I got used to the attention of course. That didn't mean I liked it though. It felt as though people are watching my every move, waiting for me to fail or succeed. Nothing different though. That happened before the Wizarding War.

One thing I'd learn that matter and to cherish were friends and family. My mum and dad were murdered by the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange. My grandmother was a pretty mean woman, but she supported me when I came out as gay. Most people supported me. Luna. Ginny. Harry. Hermione. Ron. Hannah. Blaise.

The name Blaise filled me with happiness. Why was this so? I didn't want it to. After the Wizarding War, I became closer to Blaise. He wasn't as bad as he acted like he was. He was actually quite kind. In fact, you could say I fancied him. It didn't matter anyways.

"Hey, Longbottom!"

I turned around to see Blaise waving. Godrics! I smiled and waved back. "Hello, Blaise."

"Last day of Hogwarts ever, huh? I never thought I'd miss this place. Though now that I think of it, I'm going to miss it a ton!"

I laughed. "You can always visit!"

"Yeah right!" Blaise rolled his eyes. "I never am going to be one of those old geezers who stalk the school to relive their glory days!"

I frowned. "Well, I was thinking of becoming a Herbology teacher here."

He pat my back. "That's great, Neville. I've always admired your skill in nature."

"Professor McGonagall said she'd tell me when there's a job for Herbology available. She said I'd be a great fit."

"Then it's time to celebrate!" He grabbed my hand.

I blushed. "Blaise! Slow down!"

"C'mon, Slow Poke! We're going to Hogsmeade one last time!"

"Can we please get Honeyduke's then?"

He flicked my arm. "That's where we're going!"

Hogsmeade had always been one of my favorite places to be during my time at Hogwarts. I have had so many fond memories with my friends at all of the wonderful shops and stores. Blaise pulled me into Honeyduke's, our hands still interlocked. It felt nice, you know? My hand being held. Almost as though someone cares so they want to show you that by touch. The last time I held someone's hand was when me, my mum, and my dad were on a trip. Of course, I was too young to remember so I only saw it in a picture.

Blaise snapped in my face. "Longbottom!"

I looked up. "Sorry..."

He pulled at my hand. "C'mon. Grab your Butterbeer and lets get some seats." I nodded and grabbed my cup with the hand that wasn't holding Blaise's. Once we sat down, he let go of my hand. I unintentionally frowned. "Oi! What's up with you, Neville?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. Just thinking."

He tilted his head. "About what?"

"A guy."

"You like that guy?"

I nodded. "He's amazing."

"Who?" He asked.

I sighed and covered my face. "You..."

I heard him laugh. "I like you as well, Neville."

I looked up. "What?"

"I thought you knew!"


"It was?"


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