Fake Dating |Sirius Black|

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Just imagine that Narcissa is in the same year as Sirius and that Bellatrix is still at Hogwarts.

"Oi! Y/n! Get back here!" Y/n heard her brother and his friends screaming at her. She looked to her best friend, Narcissa. "Can you cover me?" She nodded and she sprinted to (Your House) common room.

Or at least, attempted to. Sirius Black was the fastest guy in Hogwarts. Whether it be speed or witty humor. Y/n turned back to see that Sirius was catching up to her. The bell had just rung to start classes, but they all had a free class, allowing the chase to continue.

Y/b tried to think of where she'd go, but she didn't have much time before Sirius had pinned her arms to one of the school's many cold walls. "Sirius, get off of me! Now!"

His grip tightened. "No. You will tell me where you put it," he demanded.

Y/n narrowed her eyes.. "I don't know where it is! I gave it to Reggie and he lost it!"

"Why would you give it to that idiot?" Sirius asked.

"He's my friend and I had to make a quick move!"

Sirius sighed in defeat. Y/n felt awful. She genuinely didn't mean to lose it. "So you lost my uncle's emblem?"

He looked pretty annoyed at her. "I can help you find it!" Y/n offered him.

"You've done enough!" he snarked before he walked away, leaving Y/n in deep trouble.

How were they supposed to know that the notorious Bellatrix Black was behind Y/n? Y/n turned to see Bellatrix with a wand point at her neck. She put a hand over her mouth and dragged her into a nearby classroom. "I see you fancy my cousin," Bellatrix finally said.

Y/n answered calmly. "No, I don't."

Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "Rubbish! I know you do. I can get him to fancy you, all you need to do is give me the emblem," she spoke convincingly.

"That's Sirius' emblem though," Y/n tried to reason, "and I can't make him fancy me. That's wrong!"

Bellatrix stepped closer to her. She raised Y/n's chin to look at her. "That's where you are wrong. He definitely fancies you. I'll just make sure that he stays safe. But, as I stated before, I will need that emblem. When I hand it over to him, he'll join the right side."

Y/n ripped her hand from my chin. "No, thank you!"

Bellatrix pinned Y/n against the wall aggressively. "Well then, Y/n. I guess I will have to take something else from my cousin then." Y/n tried to push her off. It was no use. She was too strong.

"Oh, little, innocent Y/n. Find that emblem. But in the meantime, I'll stick you with another problem. To keep anything going wrong for Siri, which I can arrange, you will have to date my dear protege, Regulus."

Y/n agreed hesitantly. "Only because I don't want anything to happen to Sirius."

She smirked. "Good!" She grabbed Y/n by the hand and dragged her out of the classroom.


Y/n walked to the Great Hall for dinner. Regulus must've seen her because he walked up and kissed her. Right in front of Sirius. "How are you doing today, love?" he asked, smiling uncomfortably.

Y/n could tell Regulus didn't want to do it. Shefrowned but then quickly smiled. "I'm doing great, Reg!"

She really hated Bellatrix. Sirius hurried into the Great Hall and ignored Y/n when she waved. James sent his sister a glare. Peter didn't even try to acknowledge her. And Remus. He seemed hurt. Y/n was one of his best friends and she was now dating a guy without telling him. They all started to ignore her. Narcissa was the only one she could confide in. She knew that Bellatrix was forcing me to date him.

This went on for weeks and Y/n decided it was time to finally tell Bellatrix that she was done being her puppet. Y/n walked up to Bellatrix and dragged her into a classroom. "I'm done with this!" Y/n stated.

Bellatrix smiled. "Whatever do you mean, my sweet?"

Y/n growled at her. "I don't want to be with Regulus anymore. This is so unbearable!"

Bellatrix grabbed Y/n's shoulders. "Unless you want to see Sirius get hurt, I suggest that you continue with our plan." She gave Y/n a smile that made her gag.

"You are a foul, ugly person," Y/n insulted and stormed out of the room. Narcissa was outside and Y/n walked with her. "I'd rather be with Sirius, yet I'm stuck with his brother so I can protect him. I must seem like a total goon!" Y/n groaned.

Narcissa patted her friend's back. "I'll write to my parents, I'll see what they can do. Since I'm the youngest, I'm their favorite!" She winked.

Everybody in the whole school couldn't understand why she was the favorite child. She was incredibly kind—the opposite of a Black family member. The Black's only wanted cutthroat, competitive children. She was the Black sheep in the family. Y/n nodded at Narcissa. She hoped Narcissa's parents would help.

Sirius was passing through the corridor. Y/n waved to him out of habit. "Hi, Sirius!" Y/n exclaimed. Sirius just avoided eye contact and hurried away from her.

A few days later, Narcissa came up to Y/n. "Just look at what Mummy and Daddy dearest did for their sweet, innocent daughter!" She laughed, mocking her parents. "Bellatrix is going to get a talking to when she gets back home!" She squealed.

Y/n smiled. "Thank you so much, Cissy!" She exclaimed as she hugged her best friend.

"What are friends for?" She shrugged.

Y/n ran to where she knew Sirius would be. The courtyard. She spotted him. He looked like he was trying to get away, but Y/n pulled him towards her and kissed him. He pushed her off gently, raising a brow at her actions. "You're with my brother. What was that for?"

"Bellatrix blackmailed me to fake a relationship with Regulus," Y/n explained. She took a deep breath before continuing. "I am completely in love with you Sirius. Head over heels, my heart belongs to you. It's always been that way."

"Really?" Sirius asked, receiving a nod in confirmation. "Thank Godric!"

He held Y/n closely in his arms and smashed his lips against hers. "That means Sirius is my brother-in-law!" They heard James' voice shout, causing them to pull away.

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