Mr. Loverman |Harry Potter|

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A lot of you really liked the last one, so here's another one. Dw, neito_monoma_is_bae it has a happy ending.

I'm headed straight for the floor. The alcohol's served its tour. And it's headed straight for my skin. Leaving me daft and dim.

Today was the day. Harry had to break up with Y/n. It wasn't that he didn't love her anymore. It was because he wanted to protect her. Protect her from him.

I've got this shake in my legs. Shaking the thoughts from my head. But who put these waves in the door? I'm cracking out I pour.

"Y/N. We have to break up. I just don't love you anymore."
"Did something happen? This is coming out of nowhere, Harry."
"I just can't be with you anymore. I'm sorry."

I'm Mr. Loverman. And I miss my lover, man. I'm Mr. Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover.

'I just can't be with you anymore.' Those were the words that Y/n never wanted to hear. Especially from her now ex-boyfriend. She was hurt. That cut her heart, deeper than a knife could possibly cut.

The ways in which you talk to me. Have me wishing I were gone. The ways that you say my name have me running on and on.

He tried to be her friend. It was useless. She simply just didn't want to see the boy who broke her heart. He saw her every single time she broke down because of him. It broke his heart to do this. But he had to. It was all for her safety. Wasn't it?

Oh, I'm cramping up, I'm cramping up. But you're cracking up, you're cracking up.

Everything Harry had done led up to this. He decided it was time to fight Voldemort. He had to pretend to be dead. This of course broke Y/n's heart even more. She had never gotten over him even after he broke her. And now, he was dead.

I'm Mr. Loverman and I miss my lover, man. I'm Mr. Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover.

Voldemort taunted her. He cheered and laughed at the thought that Harry Potter was gone. Anger boiled in Y/n. She stepped forward to Voldemort and looked out at all the Death Eaters. "How dare you come to our school and kill Harry Potter! How dare you kill the love of my life! How dare you!"

I'm shattered now. I'm spilling out upon this linoleum ground. I'm reeling in my brain again before it can get back to you. Oh, what am I 'sposed to do without you?

Voldemort sneered. "Foolish girl." He pointed his wand at her.
Harry spotted this from the corner of his eye. He jumped out of Hagrid's arms and everyone gasped. "Expelliarmis!"
Voldemort aparated away.

I'm Mr. Loverman and I miss my lover man. I'm Mr. Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover.

Harry ran to her, holding her tightly in his arms. "I'm sorry. I had to break up with you. I needed to keep you safe. I love you."
Y/n's eyes started to water. "I love you too. But please be safe, Harry!"
"I promise I will be."

I'm Mr. Loverman and I miss my lover, man. I'm Mr. Loverman.

The battle was over. Harry ran straight to Y/n, hugging her tightly. "We did it," he whispered.
Y/n smiled at him. "We did it."

Oh, and I miss my lover.

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