Amortentia |Draco Malfoy|

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It was Y/n's sixth year at Hogwarts and she believed that she hadn't retained any information from her potions classes with Slughorn. He tended to get sidetracked and zoned on about random topics before returning to the preparation material for their upcoming N.E.W.T.s classes for the next year. It also didn't help that Professor Slughorn sat her by the one person who she couldn't focus around. Draco Malfoy. Their families were close friends because of their pure blood affiliations. It was no question that the two families had decided to marry off the two in order to continue their pure blooded lineage.

"L/n." Y/n ignored the whispers of the boy next to her. "L/n!"

"Shut up, Malfoy," she whispered aggressively, hoping he would take the hint and back off.

To her displeasure, her response made it worse. "I don't want to talk to you either, you bloody dimwit! My mother requires to know your favorite colored flowers," he said, slightly annoyed with the girl's short temper.

"For what?" She asked.

He looked at her as though she was stupid. He believed it to be true. "We have a wedding that's being planned. Have you been living under a rock?" He sneered. "You're so stupid, L/n! Out of all the pureblood women I could be betrothed to, it just had to be you."

"Sod off, Malfoy! You've been like a prick since the proposal was announced. You're being a baby," Y/n stated.

"You're the one who reacted harshly! You called me a ferret!" He retorted.

By now, the two hadn't noticed that their noise volume was raised and people had stopped chatting and were watching them like a telenovela, even Slughorn. "In my defense, ferrets are cute. And you were the one who decided to be an inconsiderate, incompetent-"

Draco's face paled as he took notice of the attention they were receiving and interrupted Y/n with a harsh whisper, that received a dirty look from Hermione. "Shut up!"

"Excuse me?"

"People are watching. Shut up!" He said forcefully.

Draco's face went red as he looked down at his desk. Y/n just made a face and quietly squeaked, "sorry, continue with the lesson."

Slughorn just shook his head and returned to the lesson. "Since my class must be a bore to you, what is the amortentia potion, Miss L/n."

"It's a love potion. When you craft it and have someone drink it, the user falls madly in love with you. It is a forbidden potion," Y/n stated confidently.

Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You forgot that if you smell it, it smells like the person you love the most, your soulmate. Idiot."

Professor Slughorn nodded. "Both of you are correct, though I'd appreciate if you raised your hand, Malfoy." He paused to give Draco a scolding look and returned his focus to the cauldron in front of him. "In celebration of Valentine's Day, I have crafted an amortentia potion for each of you to smell for your own enjoyment, as well as learning purposes."

The students all lined up, Slughorn dictating that Draco and Y/n go last because of their class outbursts. Y/n smiled as Hermiones listed off what she smelled. Anyone with half a brain could tell that she smelled Ron. Her smile grew even bigger after Ron smelled Hermione in the amortentia. Then it was finally Y/n's turn, Draco tagging along behind her.

To everyone other than Y/n and Draco, it was obvious that the two harbored feeling for each other but they didn't believe they were reciprocated. So, unfortunately for their teachers, they resorted to teasing and annoying each other.

"What do you smell, L/n? Mud?" Draco teased. He constantly teased her for being friends with muggleborn students.

Y/n turned her head to face him, clearly annoyed. "I would be able to smell it if you dialed back on your cologne usage, Malfoy. Peppermint, really? It gets stronger smelling every time you put it on."

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