Cedric Diggory Part 1

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I opened my eyes to see the one and only Freya Scubbs, my friend, hitting me on my head and shouting at me. "WAKE UP, Y/N! Potions class starts soon!"

I pushed her off my bed and she landed with an 'OOF!' I laughed at her. I had been friends with Freya ever since she was both sorted into (Your House) and now I was in my 7th year while she was in her 4th year. She was Cedric's family friend who he considered a sister that he entrusted me with. She slapped me. "Earth to Y/n!"

I pushed her and she fell to the floor with a dreamy look. I looked at her in disgust. She must like someone! I thought. "Freya, you good?"

"Do you think Blaise Zabini would ever like me?"

I laughed at her and she frowned. "Of course he'd like you! The Slytherin Quidditch Team says that he talks about you all the time." I ran around the room. "Oh, Draco! I am so in love with her! Pansy, do you think she'd ever like me?" I tried to imitate Blaise.

Freya giggled. "What about you and Cedric, Y/n?"

I blushed and turned away. "We're not going to go there!"

Freya was about to say something until a fellow fourth year, Hannah Abbot, knocked on my dorm room door. "Freya! Y/n! Come quick! It's Cedric! He's been chosen!"

I choked. Freya looked angry. "What? He promised he wouldn't do it!" She started to work herself into a frenzy while Hannah ran to comfort her. "Of course this happens when I miss a morning of Hogwarts!"

Hannah hugged Freya as I stayed still. "He won't die. The teachers wouldn't have students do it of they could die."

I looked at them and saw Hannah was scared too. She grew up with Cedric babysitting her. "He'll be fine. I know he will. Cedric is smart and he will stay alive. He has to." Cedric's mother had died no less than two years ago. None of their family could take another loss. We all decided that we should go and talk to Cedric.

We walked into the Potions class to see everyone gathered around Cedric. Freya pushed them out of the way, Hannah following us. Cedric looked up at me and smiled. "Hi, Y/n. Hannah. Rey, what's wrong? Did-" She slapped him and walked out of the classroom, fuming. Everyone gasped.

I glared at Cedric. "Cedric. Congratulations are in order, I guess."

Cedric frowned and grasped my wrist. "Y/n, don't be like this. I just want to honor my mother and make my father proud. They're the reason I'm doing this," he whispered.

I stared at him and softened my gaze. "Just please, stay safe. Ok?"

He nodded. "You're just going to have to trust me." He gave Hannah a hug and the me another one.

I smiled and left, Hannah in tow. "I hope he can keep that promise," Hannah said in a hushed tone.

I put an arm around her. "I hope so too. I really hope so."

~Timeskip brought by Draco's Daddy Issues~

Freya went to me and Hannah. "He said that Harry told him that the first task is dragons."

I sucked my breath in. He could actually die in this. Freya tilted her head at me. "Tell him. Tell him that you like him. You never know what will happen."

I stared at her and Hannah. Hannah nodded in agreement with Freya. I sighed and walked over to where Cedric was seated. "Hey, Y/n!"

I smiled at him. "Hey, Ced. Can I talk to you? It won't be too long."

He blushed and nodded. His friends started to whisper and nudge him. One of them eventually pushed me into Cedric. We both blushed and moved away. He glared at his friends and left with me, his friends cheering him on.

We got to a deserted part of the school. Cedric looked at me. "What's up?" I didn't say anything. "Y/n?" I hugged him. "Y/n, you're scaring me!"

I looked up at him. "Please stay safe. I can't lose you. I care too much about you, Ced."

He smiled at me. "Does Y/n actually love little old me?" I didn't reply. I just stared at him. His eyes widened and I wiped my tears, turning to walk away, but he grasped my wrist and turned me to him. "I love you too."

He looked into my eyes.

He leaned towards me...


"Y/n! We need your help! Ron's mad at Harry. Are you—oh. OH! Sorry! I'll just—AGH!" Hermione ran away.

Cedric and I laughed. He leaned in again and kissed me. Time seemed to stop. Until Rita Skeeter made her way over to where we were. "Ah yes. Young love! And for our article today, Cedric Diggory: A Hogwarts Champion in Love! Are you getting this?" She looked at her magic pen and paper and the pen moved as if it were nodding. "Y/n L/n, a seventh year, is found snogging Hogwarts favorite Hufflepuff Champion, Cedric Diggory. Very well. Y/n, tell me how you met Cedric. Was it romantic? Instant connection? Sparks? Butterflies?"

Dumbledore saw Rita and stormed over to us. "Get out meh school ye leach!"

Rita ran out and Cedric pulled me into the school so that we could get away from all of the drama.

~Timeskip brought to you by Voldemort's left toe~

"Cedric Diggory has passed the first challenge!" The stands erupted into applause and I smiled. Freya, Hannah, and I ran to Cedric. He engulfed us all with a hug.

Freya looked up at him. "You did it!"

Hannah grinned. "Good job, Ced!"

"You did perfect!"

He kissed me. "I love you!"

Freya wheezed. "Eww!"

Cedric rolled his eyes and we both spotted Blaise. "Oi, Blaise!" The said person looked over at us. "Would you come over and snog my sister so she can just shut up?"

Freya blushed and glared at Cedric. Blaise came over. "Why of course, Cedric! With pleasure!" Blaise grabbed Freya and kissed her. Cedric watched in disgust. "I didn't think he'd actually do it!" We all laughed.

~Timeskip brought by Snape's greasy rat hair~

Professor McGonagall called me to her office. I sat down and she offered me peppermint tea, which I happily took. I drank it and I felt dizzy. The room started to spin and everything went black....

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