Crowded |Fred Weasley|

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"Oi, Ron! Where's Fred?" George shouted.

"How would I know?" Ron asked, leading Harry to his room. "He's always off somewhere with you!"

George threw his hands up in the air in forfeit. "Alright, alright! I just thought you would've seen him. Katie is here. I think she fancies Fred a bit. Does she?"

Harry shrugged and simply shook his head. Ginny entered the room, thus putting her say into the conversation. "It wouldn't matter if Katie did. Fred fancies Harry's cousin."

The Weasleys and Harry laughed, all trying to imagine Fred being tied down to a singular person. Especially Harry's cousin. The laughter calmed down as soon as they heard the door to the building open. Harry immediately made his way straight to the person. The boys turned to see a female. She smiled and waved to them. "Hi. Is Fred here?" She asked.

Ginny and George nudged each other as Harry greeted his cousin. "It's nice to see you."

Bill popped his head into the room. "Fred's girlfriend is here? I'll go get him," he offered, running off somewhere.

George moved closer to the girl. "So. You fancy our brother, huh? We don't want you breaking Freddie's heart," he said, poking the girl lightly on the shoulder.

Y/n just smiled and nodded. "I'm not intending to ever hurt Fred. He's a good guy and I can see you clearly care a lot about him. I do as well," she responded.

The people in the room looked at each other, smirking. They liked the girl and thought she was genuine. Bill rushed into the room, Fred following slowly behind him. His eyes widened as he saw that his family had met her.

Fred nervously made his way to Y/n. "Hey, Y/n. What are you doing out here? I thought we were meeting at Hogsmeade," Fred said with a confused tone.

The girl frowned and averted eye contact from Fred. "We were but Dudley and I got in a fight and I can't be around him right now. My parents are mad at me and they're stressing me out," Y/n admitted. "Can I please spend the night here?"

Fred smirked at her. "What are you saying? You want to sleep with me?"

The people who were watching gasped, interpreting Fred's words in a not so PG way. Y/n blushed. "Goodness, Fred! Do you always have to make everything sound so suggestive?" She asked quietly. "I just need a place to stay and as my boyfriend-"

Ron cut her off. "Boyfriend? Fred, you didn't tell us you were dating."

"You're always picking on Billy for Fleur, so I didn't want to tell you," Fred admitted.

Bill nodded in agreement. "He's not wrong. You were all very different around Fleur and as soon as she left the first time you met her, you guys made fun of me!"

"I like Fleur! She's nice," George said with a smile.

Y/n covered her mouth and yawned. "Freddie, I'm really tired but-"

Fred cut Y/n off. "Let's get you to sleep then. You need to rest your pretty little eyes," Fred insisted, forgetting that the rest of his family was entering the room after a returning home. "You're so beautiful."

Y/n looked around at all of the new people who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. "Fred," Y/n whispered quietly. "Your family is watching us."

George smirked at the two. "It's alright. We don't mind."

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