The Connection

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Gary's P.O.V-

He walked through the door, his scared stature trembling in fear. "Sit down." I instructed him from the living room. He turned slowly to face me and then scurried over and did as he was told. "Would you like to explain what you were doing today? You know, skipping school and going on one of your faggot dates."

He cringed at the word and that made me become enraged. He should be used to that word, he should know that he deserves this. "Answer the question." I stated calmly. "I-I'm sorry.."

"You're sorry? Is that is? You're sorry? Mhm that doesn't excuse it at all." I hissed. His eyes welled up with tears. "Don't you cry you lil' bitch. Why are you crying, huh? Because you're not with your faggot boyfriend? If you're so fucking sad about not being with him why don't you just fucking leave, huh? Why not? Why don't you just grab your shit and get the fuck out? Move in with that piece of shit, why don't ya. You can't fucking appreciate everything I do for you. I give you a home, I give you food and water and electricity. Can your faggot boyfriend do that for you? HUH? ANSWER ME! CAN HE FUCKING DO THAT FOR YOU?!"

"N-no!" Phil sobbed. "Well then why don't you show some fucking appreciation and don't fucking run off with him? Stay here until you're fucking dead like you should be." I said through gritted teeth. Phil stared at me with wide, teary eyes and something popped into my mind that made me reach my hand out and slap him across his vile face. "And don't you EVER try that fucking laughing trick on me again. You know what that caused, huh? It caused me to hurt your mother. Speaking of which- HONEY!" I called out. I guess I'll treat her to some entertainment since I was so mean towards her earlier.

I was confused when I heard no movement or noise whatsoever. "You stay here." I hissed as I grabbed him by the collar. I let go of him and made my way towards the bedroom. There were clothes strewn about the room, drawers flung open and made empty. There was no sign of my wife being here. "PHIL!" I yelled suddenly when I realized what was going on. Immediately, I heard him jump up and practically run to me. When he finally reached me, I took hinny the shoulders and slung him into the wall. "DO YOU SEE WHAT YOUVE CAUSED, BOY?! HUH?? YOUR MOTHERS GONE. BECAUSE OF YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! THIS IS ALL YOUR-" I gave a large sob. She's gone.. She's really gone. I loved her so much and now she's gone..

I clenched my fist and my face heated with rage. "It's all your fault, boy-" I hissed as I punched the boy who had crumpled to the floor. "Do you see how bad you fuck up? Do-you-see?!" I yelled and with every word came another punch or kick. I climbed on top of him and grabbed a fist full of his hair, pulling harshly on it. "You know what, boy? I'm gonna speed up the process for you. You won't have to wait for Paul to get you- I'll just do it myself." I said as I slammed his head against the floor. He groaned in pain and yelled, "NO! STOP PLEASE!"

"Oh, so the faggot wished to live? That's a change!" I told him. "No- no. Just please don't.. I- I'm sorry.. Please don't kill me.. I don't want to die because of you.." He weakly choked out. "Fine. I won't kill you. But I'm going to beat you near death. Today, tomorrow, and the next day. Until Paul finishes the job." I finally hissed menacingly. I let go of his hair and stood up, brushing myself off. I gave him a few more kicks and punches before finally knocking him into a deep, coma-like sleep.

Once I saw that he was passed out, I drug him to the bedroom and called Paul. I needed to know if he could speed up the process.

Dans P.O.V-

I stayed at the hotel that night. I had this terrible nagging feeling that something was wrong, but I couldn't pinpoint what is was. I just had a horrible feeling that something bad was happening or was going to happen.

Ignoring the nagging feeling and the horrible queasiness that came with it, I fell asleep and woke up for the next day for school. As soon as I woke up I whipped out my phone and composed a message to Phil.

Can i trust you? A phan fiction #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now