Wherever you want to go, I'll follow.

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Phils P.O.V-

Dan and I waited for another hour until the doctor finally came back into the room and cleaned my wounds and changed my bandages. Unlike what he said, he was actually quite gentle with me. It surprised me a lot. I had been bracing myself for the worst treatment I could expect but he was actually really careful with me. I dont think Dan noticed though because he was too busy holding my hand and shooting glares at the doctor. Turns out the doctor could be nice. Or it could just be his training kicking in and overriding his beliefs and personal opinions. I hope its not the latter but its fine with me either way honestly. As long as hes treating me okay, im fine. But Dan has a completely other way of seeing it. Once the doctor had exited the room and told me to get changed and ready to leave. Dan, having gone to get a change of clothes god knows when, tossed me a pair of jeans and a t-shirt since the long sleeves he packed just in case. But I couldnt wear it, to my displeasure, because it  would ruin my bandages.

"Did he hurt you Phil?!?! Ill kill the bastard if he hurt you in the slightest! It would just be another reason for me to hurt the son of a bitch!" Dan asked. I was taken back by his tone of voice but still replied calmly, "No, Dan. Im fine. He was very gentle. He didnt hurt me, I promise." Dand had a hissy-fit over my answer. "Are you sure? You know you dont have to lie for him, right? I swear I wont get mad if he did hurt you. Okay, maybe a would get mad. Okay, I ttake that back, I would be pissed. But you dont have to worry! You can tell me!" Dan smiled inncocently. I shook my head and laughed. "Dan, thats cute and all, but he didnt hurt me, I swear." He nodded deafetedly. God, he was so cute sometimes. I sighed. Im so lucky to have him. Too bad hes not that lucky to be cursed with me as a boyfriend. But im not complaining. "Okay Phil. But get changed so I can take you back home." Dan smiled.

My heart stopped, my stomach dropped, my breathing hitched, and I cringed at the same time. I had so many emotions floating through my head all at once. It made me form a blistering headache. There was no way Dan couldnt have seen me do all that cringring and the look of pain on my face. Seconds later, my theory was conformed. "Are you alright?" Dan asked skeptically. "Im fine, Dan. I was just wondering if you wanted to do something before I go home..." I replied smoothly, not reacting a second too late. "And where would that be?" He said with a smirk on his face and his eyes having a peculiar glint to them. "I was just thinking that we could go to the park. I have this really cool hideout place where we can hang out and just talk... get to know each other, you know? Were already dating and we hardly know eachother...kinda ironic, huh? I just wanna change that." I lied. Well, its not really a lie, I did want to get to know the guy I was dating but I really just wanted to get some extra time away from my parents.

Dan grinned gleefully. "Of course Ill go to the park with you! Wherever you want to go, Ill go with you! I promise I love you and I want to protect you." So with that being said, Dan helped me off the bed after I finished changing and we headed out the door.


Authors Note-

Hey guys, how are you?? Okay? Bad? Good? I wanna know c: Anywayyyyyy I GOT 5K READS AND LIKE 200 VOTES! HOLY ZELDA TITS THATS AMAZING!! I cant thank you guys enough!! I love all of you guys omf! Anywayyyyy I dont know who I should shoutout this week because im scared Ill give a shoutout to the same person for the third time. I dont know I do it, its just that she uses different allias (You know who you are cx) I still love ya though c:


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