It will be okay

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Phils P.O.V-

My parents know. My mind occupied with thoughts of the horendus creatures that I call my parents. Luckily, I had enough time to tell Dan to leave. I was at ease because of this, but then I saw my 'father' pull him aside. The look of disgust plastered on his face after my dad spoke to him was unbearable. I glanced at Dan one last time before the door was slammed in his face.

I looked pleadingly at my parents. I couldnt deal with this now. Obviously, they couldnt deal with me right now either. The look of rage on both of their faces concluded my hypothesis. They were pissed. Not just pissed, they were outraged.

"How dare you?" My mother hissed. I stared her. "How dare you embarrass your family like this!? And to think that you even failed at commiting suicide! What a disgrace!" She said as she shook her head sympathtically. Well, not actual sympathy, quite the opposite actually. I stared at my parents in disbelief. How could they say that!? I mean, I should probably be used to it by now. But more importantly, how did they find out I was in the hospital? And how was my dad sober enough to be in public?

My world was crumbling apart with each passing second. Just a few minutes ago, I thought my world was finally coming together. But obviously not!

My dad turned towards me, his red eyes glinting evily. He had a malicious smile on his face. "So, you couldn't do it, huh? You couldnt do the simple task of killing yourself? You worthless little bitch! Why would you do something so inconsiderate? Enjoy your time at the hospital because once youre back home, you'll wish you wouldve died." He finished. They both whipped aroung and strode out the door.

What. The. Fuck. Well, at least it wasnt as bad as it couldve been. Actually, it couldve been a lot worse. I satyed in bed, frozen. I told Dan to come back in 30 minutes, and its only been 20. So, 10 more minutes. Not that long of a wait, right? Wrong.

I was slowly breaking down. I could feel it. All the words of my parents have shared wity me were eating at my grip of reality. And I couldnt do anything about it. I was most likely having a panic attack and I knew from past expirences that I couldnt do anything about it. All I could do is sit there and let it happen. So thats what I did.

I stared at the wallas my heartbeat gradualy got faster and thought/memories poured into my mind. I let out a scream of pain. Ive had bad panic attacks, but none this bad. It was as if nothing good has happened to me at all in my life and all the memories I had were terrible and twisted ones. I kept trying to grasp on to one good thing so I wouldnt sink completely. But the only good thing I could think of was Dan. His tan skin, brown hair, and chocolate eyes. Oh god, I need him to save me.

As if on cue, I felt a hand wrap around min and someone lay their head on my chest. I sighed in relief. Of course the panic attack wasnt completely gone, but it was slowly dissaperating. I felt some of the bad thoughts slip away and began replacing itself with good ones. It was an alien feeling. I had never had anyone try to help me through a panic attack. But now that someone was helping me, I realized that I absoulutly loved it.

By now, I felt my head returning to normal and the room was coming back into focus. When the room was completly in focus, I looked around. I had obviously screamed more than I thought; there were doctors scattered in the room with worried expressions on their faces. I squezzed Dans hand to assure him that it was over. I looked down at my chest to see Dan looking at me with the biggest smile that he could conjure up. Though there were a few dried tear streams down his face, his smile lit up his facial feature tremendously. I smiled back as I saw some doctors leave the room upon seeing me start to respond. Soon, all that was left was Dan, the doctor, and I.

'Phil, youre food will be here shortly. I want you to try and eat as much possible." The doctor said sweetly. I smiled and nodded reassuringly at him. He nodded and swiflty walked off, leaving Dan and I in each others company.

"Are you ok?" DAn asked.

"Im fine, you actually helped me alot through the panic attack." I replied.

"No, I meant with your parent. Are you ok with your parents?" He asked again. I laughed harshly at his foolishe question.

"As if! I dont think theyve been more pissed!" I scoffed at the idea of them being nice to me for once.

"Really? What happened?" He asked me in a cautious manner.

"Um, well nothing happened that I want to talk about..." I replied shyly. He looked at me questioningly. I shook it off. I dont need him worrying about me. A knock at the door interupted the awkward silence.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lester? We have your meal." A nice looking nurse said timidly. Dan got up and got the food from the nurse. He turned towards her and said thanks silently before he shut the door in her face.

I looked at him pleadingly. I didnt want to eat! I couldnt eat! I was already fat enough as it is. And hospital food isnt exactly the healthiest. Dan sighed.

'I know you dont want to, but could you please- Please! Just try your hardest for me? I just want you to be healthy!" He said. I sighed in defeat as he grinned widly He grabbed the bedside table and drug it above me. He adjusted the bed so I was sitting up. I stared at the plate full of food in horror and disgust. How was I ever going to become skinny if all I did was eat disgusting, carb filled food?! No wonder im so fat.

I wish I could just go forever without eating. But then I would probably still be fat. But I guess I wasnt that vile or else, neither Chris nor Dan would have taken intrest in me. So, with that being said, I picked up a small chunk of bread and put it diligently in my mouth. I almost gagged. I could literally taste the butter and carbs in my mouth. But, I manned up and chewed it, almost dyeing from how disgusting it tasted.

DAn smiled and got himself a piece of my bread. 'Good' i thought bitterly. 'He could have all of it.'

"So, I need to ask you something important..." Dan said with a mouthful of food.

"What is it..?" I asked suspiciously.

"Are you and Chris a thing?"


Authors Note-

Hey guys, its Celeste! And I have some important news!! Today I will be filming my first youtube video!!! Ill update my status with a link to my channel! So watch out for that!! Fllow me so youll be notified with that amazing news!!!

And I cant wait to update with the next chapter!!!! Its so good!! So, if I get 5 comments, then ill update another chapter this weekend ^.^

Shoutout goes to *All time low starts singing* kcm601!!! Congrats!!! All you have to do is dm, fool, comment, or vote to get a shoutout!!

Well, thats it for now!!! Love you guys!!! Byeeeeeee

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