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Gary's P.O.V-

That little fucking queer better not have just stepped foot in this house. That bitch probably thought I was asleep so he could just skip school. That faggot had another thing coming.

I burst into his room and yelled, "Phil!" He didn't deserve a name. He really didn't deserve to live either. All he was was a useless homo. He should've died back at the hospital.

I saw the thing sitting by the window. He turned around in shock and fear when he heard me call his name. Good. Be scared. You should be.

I made my way over there slowly, letting the panic in him rise. It's more fun when he's scared. Phil started trembling furiously the closer my hand got to him. I gave him an evil glare and a smirk as I let my fingers slowly snake their way and enclose around his neck. He gave me a pleading look with those wide eyes of his and I just smiled in triumph. I was the master around here and he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't stop me. He wouldn't stop me.

His face started getting red and I frowned. That's no fun is it? Letting him off that easy? Oh no no no. Where the fun in that? Let's make this interesting shall we? Oh, this is gonna be fun!!

I grabbed his shirt by the collar and pulled him up to his feet. He looked at me with confusion but I just smirked at him. I grabbed his shirt and led him to my room. I didn't want to touch him unless I was actually hurting him so I avoided touching any of his disgusting bare skin. Fags contagious you know?

His mother wasn't home because she was at work so I won't have my partner to help me with this but that'll make this more interesting for me. I could do anything I wanted to him with no remorse. She likes to stop me before it gets to the fun part. "You're gonna kill him and you won't have him to hurt anymore." She'd tell me almost every time. But this time she won't be able to tell me when to stop. This time it's gonna be fun.

I pushed the lanky boy onto my bed and he looked at me with fear in his eyes. He didn't think I was gonna... Do that... Right? Because I would never! That's what my friends did. Not me. I'm not that disgusting.

Phil looked up to the ceiling and a couple of tears slid down his face. I smiled and made my way towards my closet. I pulled out a dagger, baseball bat, and a rope. Oh this is gonna be fun!!!

I hurriedly tied him to the bed post with the rope as he squirmed about. I laughed at his foolish attempts. It's really no use for him to try and fight against me. He couldn't win. And he'll never be able to.

I studied my weapons and made the choice of going with the baseball bat. Let's start easy, shall we?

Phil shook his head and yelled. I hit him to shut him up. The neighbors couldn't hear him and call the police! He whimpered and shut his eyes. I couldn't have that either. He needs to watch this. "Open your eyes, bitch!" I yelled harshly. He sapped his eyes open. Good.

I struck him once in his left knee cap and he screamed. "Shut the fuck up!!" I hissed at him. He instantly bit his lip to hold in his screams.

I frowned. This isn't very fun. Hmmmmm what's missing? Ah, I know what it is. The gash in his cheek isn't bothering him and that's a problem. And the cuts all over him aren't being used against him and that obviously needs to change.

I smiled giddily and I rolled up his sleeves and pants legs. Phil looked up to the ceiling and smiled slightly. What? He was smiling? What the fuck?!?

"Why the fuck are you smiling?!" I demanded. He didn't answer me so I grabbed the baseball bat and hit him in the stomach. That just made him laugh. Why the fuck was he laughing?! "Ha ha ha HA HA HA HA" Phil laughed neurotically. I backed away slowly.

Can i trust you? A phan fiction #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now