Pull Over.

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Phil's P.O.V-


I felt myself falling, but why haven't I hit the ground yet? How far down was this fall?

Buzz. Buzz.

My eyes snapped open. I looked around and saw that I was still on the edge of cliff. I hadn't done it. I hadn't jumped.

Buzz. Buzz.

Who the hell keeps texting me? I back away from the cliff and pull out my phone, reading the messages I now realized were sent by Dan. Oh god, he was having a panic attack. I pulled up his contact name and pressed call. "Hello!!?" Dan said frantically as soon as the phone started ringing.

"Hey, love. Are you okay?!" I asked calmly. I heard him breathing heavily on the other line before he panted, "No I don't know what's wrong. I can't breathe. What do I do?" What do I usually do during panic attacks? Um, think Phil, think. "Just-just breathe in and out to the best of your abilities. And now just stand there. Don't do anything. Just listen to my voice and not move. Feel yourself calm down, okay love? Just don't think about anything." I said.

A few minutes of silence and I finally heard Dans breathing calm down and return to normal. "Thanks. That helped. I still don't understand why I had one though." He told me. "I don't know.." I replied.

"Where are you?" He asked. Silence. "Phil?" He asked again. I've gotta tell him the truth. I can't keep lying and hiding things from him. "I-I'm on the edge of a cliff."

"YOURE WHAT?!" Exclaimed Dan. "....Yeah...." I said softly, my voice slightly cracking. "Don't move, okay? I'm coming to get you. Don't do anything stupid, just remember that I love you."

"Okay, Dan." I replied simply as I sat down carefully on the edge of the cliff, my feet dangling off the edge dangerously. "You promise me right now that you won't move a muscle until I get there." He said in a serious tone of voice. I gave a dramatic sigh and said, "I promise."

"Good." He told me and hung up. Wait, how does he know where I am? Do you think he's been here before? Why would Dan ever need to know where this secluded cliff was? He's probably just stumbled upon it before. Nothing to get worked up over.

I looked down at the view below me as I waited for him to show up.

Dans P.O.V-

I snuck out the front door, not wanting to be seen by my parents. I quietly let myself out and shut the door slowly behind me. Did I have my car keys with me? I patted my pockets and groaned in frustration when I realized I had left them behind. Either I was going to walk there or I was going to go back in there, risk being caught, and get my car keys. As it was still raining, I decided that being caught is a risk that I'm willing to take. I silently went back into the house and into my room, actually getting my car keys this time. Luckily, I made it out of the house without my parents noticing. Typical.

I started the car and backed out of my driveway. I made my way to the abandoned park and near where I knew the cliff was. Yeah, I knew where it was. I might've thought about using it before but of course I didn't. It was just a thought.

I ran all the way to where I knew Phil was. I was out of breath by the time I reached him but I ignored that feeling to take his hand, stand him up, and pull him away from the edge and into my arms. I hugged him tightly as tears started running down my face and I gave a strangled sob. "Don't ever do that to me again, okay? You scared the shit out of me, love. I was so scared.. I don't want anything to happen to you ever, yeah? I love you." I said as I pulled apart from him only to connect our lips in a soft, love-filled kiss. "I'm sorry, Dan." Phil said as we pulled apart.

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