Gaining Some Help

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Dans P.O.V-

"M-My mom is moving out. And she wants to take me with her." I said as my world seemed to crumble to pieces beneath me. Why would this happen? No, this couldn't happen. I could not move. Phil stared at me, a shocked expression on his face.

"W-What?" He stuttered out. I nodded slowly, not able to believe it either. "You can't move! I can't let you leave me." Phil said fiercely. "I know it sounds bad but we don't even know where's she's moving to! She could just be moving down the street for all we know." I tried to convince him. He stayed silent, his eyes scanning over me frantically in worry. "But still..." He mumbled, strangely avoiding eye contact.

I hugged him, resting my head sadly on his shoulder whispering, "yeah I know.. Listen, I'll find a way out of this. I'll talk to my dad, I'll get something sorted out, yeah? My mom can't make me do anything I don't want to do. I'll find a way out of this. It'll be fine, love." Phil hummed in response and I smiled slightly.

I can't help it, his personality is just too adorable.

"Come on, love." I nudged him. "We need to talk." Phils head shot up and looked at me, a terrified look on his face. "About what?" He asked. I looked at him and said, "About your safety." A simple 'oh' came from his mouth as he sat up a little straighter.

"Yeah, that'd probably be good to talk about.." He said. "Well, how are we gonna do it? How am I going to prevent everything from happening tomorrow?" He continued. My mind drew a blank.

How was I going to protect Phil? Of course the option still stood for me to stick by him all day but how about when he had to go home?? How was I supposed to protect him then? He won't be able to stay by me every second of the day all the time. There would be an opportunity for Paul to get Phil eventually, no matter how hard I try. The only way to protect him is to stop all of this for good. We needed to not have to deal with this ever in order to protect Phil.

When I expressed my opinion to Phil, he nodded in agreement. "But how can we do that?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. The money factor was still there; we could get Gary to stop paying. But how? Could I pay Gary to stop paying? No, that wouldn't work..that's a stupid idea, why would I even think of that?! I mean, how would that even work?! Wouldn't that just give him more money that he could use to pay even more? He's not exactly trustworthy so who's to say that he wouldn't just lie to me and continue paying Paul? So, scratch that idea.

If only I had someone from the police to help me...

Pjs P.O.V-

"Hey, dad?" I asked nervously. "Yeah, son?" He responded. "You know that guy you've been after? That guy...I think his name is Paul?" I hinted.

"Yes, I'm aware of that sneaky scumbag..What about him?" He asked suspiciously. "Well...he's after my friend. I thought maybe I could help out with the investigation." I blurted. "Paul is after your friend?? That's not good, not good at all! But it is good for the investigation. Would you mind to ring your friend up? I have an idea that could help me catch him."

Ecstatic that I could help catch Paul, i hurriedly called Dan seeing as though I didn't have Phils number and those two lads are always together nowadays anyway. A couple of rings and Dan answered saying, "Hello?"

"Uh, hi. I was wondering if you were with Phil?" I asked. "Yeah..he's right here. Why? What's going on, Peej?" He asked. "It's nothing. Can you just come over to my house immediately? I think I can help with Phils problem." I told him. "His problem? What do you me- oh. That. You know about that? How?! It doesn't matter. We'll be there soon. Bye." He said as he hung up.

I sprinted to my fathers office and exclaimed, "He's on his way!!" My father smiled brightly and said, "Good job, son! I'm proud of you." My face lit up and I smiled widely.

Phils P.O.V-

"Come on." Dan instructed as he hung up the phone. "What?!" I asked. "We're going to Pjs. He said he can help us."

I shot up. "Really?!? Well what are you waiting for?! Come on!" I exclaimed as I drug him out of the room. We skipped going down the elevator and ran down the stairs, much to Dans dismay.

We busted out of the side door and ran to Dans car. I was jumping up and down in anticipation. Dan unlocked the door and I quickly jumped in, waiting for Dan to follow my action and start the car. When Dan did so, I started blabbing on and on about how Peej might be able to help us.

Dan giggled at my excited manner and before I knew it, we had pulled into the driveway of what I presumed to be Pjs house. I hurriedly got out of the car and waited for Dan to do the same before making our way to his front door.

Dan timidly knocked and in less than 7 seconds, Pj opened the door and pulled us inside. "Come on, my dads back here." He told us as he led us to a rather big office where a burly man sat behind his desk. "Ah! So which one of you is the one Paul's after?" He asked. "T-That would be me, sir. How do you know Paul, if you don't mind me asking?" I squeaked out.

"Well, I work for the FBI and lucky for you, my unit is after Paul right now! But the thing is, we can never pinpoint his location. He's either really good at hiding or he's moved around a lot. But that doesn't really matter now! With you, we can finally catch Paul!" He exclaimed happily.

"How do you plan on doing that?" I asked cautiously. "So what I've thought of doing is planting some devices on you. You know, some wire taps, tracking devices, a couple of small cameras, stuff like that. And we need to take surveillance of you interacting with Paul. Speaking of which, when do you think you're going to see him again?" The burly man said.

I cowered into Dans arms as I muttered, "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?? We've got to get prepped and ready ASAP! And if you're wondering, we will take surveillance of him with you for the next...say, 2 days. And finally on maybe Sunday or Monday well have enough evidence to take action and arrest him." He said nonchalantly. "B-But he's going to hurt me! You're just going to stand there and watch as he hurts me?!?!" I shouted, retracting from Dans arms in a rage. "Unfortunately, we're not authorized to take action unless we have evidence, I'm sorry."

"Him beating me isn't enough evidence for you to step in and help me?!?" I asked in disbelief. "Sadly not." He told me glumly. Dan wrapped me in his arms and shushed me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Pjs dad point at us and mouth a couple of words to which Pj nodded. His dad nodded in response and gave Pj a slight smile. I reluctantly pulled away from Dan?

"Okay, so what I'm going to do now is make a few phone calls and get everything set up for tomorrow so just sit tight and ill let you know what's up soon, okay?"

Dan and I nodded as Pj led us out of the office. "Thank you." I told him.


Authors Note-



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