52. You need help

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I'm really trying to get more chapters published as soon as I can. Sorry! 

Happy st. patty's day 


"What do you mean he won't come out?" I balance the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I unlock the car door, balancing the Starbucks tray carefully in the other hand.

"Kase. You just gotta come over and talk to him."

I let out a deep sigh. "I'm already headed that way, but why can't y'all just break the damn door down?"

He scoffs. "We all want to stay alive, Kasey. You don't know him when he's in one of his moods."

"Um, maybe not but y'all are going to have a hard time convincing me that he'd kill you."

"Okay, maybe I exaggerated slightly, but my point is we all like our positions and I can't guarantee he won't fire our asses if we go against a direct order."

"You guys are always talking about how you 'bring backup' every single time you do business." I mimic his voice and step into my car.

"He didn't tell us where he was going."

I roll my eyes and turn on the speakerphone as I start to drive. "So ask."

"Whatever Kase. All I know is that he came back all beat up and coughing up blood in the bathroom sink. Man, it's not good but he won't let Doc near him. Trust me. We've tried everything."

"Everything?" I sigh and adjust my expensive sunglasses that don't seem to be doing a very good job at keeping out the sun.

"Yeah. Hell, we even tried threatening you, but he just pointed out that you're like our sister and we wouldn't lay a hand on you."

"Hah! Yeah, that's true. Ain't none of you are going to disrespect me." I chuckle, despite the situation.

"That's because we all value our goods, and you're fucking scary when we say or do anything you don't agree with." He points out.

"True. Okay. I'm coming, don't worry." I turn into the neighbourhood. "I'm close anyways."

He breathes a sigh of relief. "I'm actually low key getting stressed, Kase. He's never done this before. Go without us I mean."

"Yeah, well I think you should follow him next time to make sure he doesn't get the tar beat outta him."

"Kasey, that's what I'm saying. He's never gotten beaten in the last almost decade."

"That's no reason to just let him do his thing!" I sigh.

"I guess. We didn't know where he was going, though. He coulda been getting christmas presents for all we knew."

"Yeah, right. In July." I roll my eyes. "He's a guy. I would bet he doesn't start shopping before December."

"As another guy, I feel like I'm offended by that..."

"Yeah, whatever. Open the gate already idiots."

"Oh hell, you're here already?"

"It's been like, 5 minutes and I was already nearby. I'll figure out a way to get him out, but to do that I need to be inside."

"RIght. Here." the gate opens

"Talk in a minute. Gather the boys."

"They're gathered."



"Perfect." I hang up the phone and run up to the door. As I burst in, about 7 or 8 guns are pointed towards me.

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