54. Don't Mess With The Redhead

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I hum a tune to myself and turn the stove down a few notches cooler. Emmaline always said it's better to be too cool then too hot when you're cooking eggs, and I don't want this to burn on. This kitchen isn't completely familiar to me yet.

"Okay. This is not fair."

I turn around and see Jake grimace as he hobbles into the room. "What?"

He's been over at my house 'recovering' for the past couple days but he's continuing to complain every time I wear something or do something that he likes because I deny all his advances, for obvious reasons.

"Seeing you there...cooking...in those." He eyes my oversized sweats with his T-shirt tucked in.

"Oh, come on! I put on bottoms." I roll my eyes. Complains when I don't, complains when I do. Is there a way to win?


"And that means this shouldn't be a problem!" I huff.

"I know what's under there, baby. It will always be a problem."

I blush bright and turn away from him. "Jakeopher! Keep it in your pants!" I roll my eyes and check and see when I can flip my breakfast. Not ready yet. Merda.

I can't really hear him coming close to me, but his smell is becoming more obvious so I know he's right near me. I'm proven right when his breath hits the back of my neck.

"Oh baby. I am at the moment." He chuckles. "But only because of Doc's orders...And if I listen I'll heal faster, meaning I get to fuck you black and blue sooner."

I gulp and turn back around, pasting a grimace on my face. "Um, ow? This one's your fault, so bruising me doesn't actually seem like it makes much sense..." I roll my eyes, hoping he doesn't see right through me.

He shrugs. "You torture me for weeks, I make you feel it." He mock weighs his hands until they're level. "Seems legit."

I snort and turn back around.

"And also, Kasey...Don't pretend you don't like it rough because I know you better." He whispers in my ear, running a finger down my back to the curve of my butt before slapping it with a chuckle at my groan.

"Jake." I breathe. He knows me so well.

"Don't make this so hard on me, and maybe I'll take it easy on ya." He backs away and I huff, missing his warmth instantly.

"I'm not! First of all: sweatpants, baggy shirt, no makeup." I argue, gesturing to my appearance as I turn and frown at him.

"First of all." He squeaks, imitating me. "You know how much I love you being all casual." He points to my messy bun. "You're so gorgeous with no makeup, Miss freckles, you aren't wearing any underwear with those pants which, by the way, are mine."

I bite my lip. "Who said I wasn't wearing underwear."

He smirks and slowly walks towards me like a lion stalks his prey, and grabs me by the waist. "Kasey, Kasey, Kasey. You cannot lie to me"

I let out a breath and keep my bluffing face on, trying to calm my nerves as I look up at him. "I- why would I be lying to you?"

Before I can step away from him, he slips his hand into my sweats, cupping my wetness. "I don't know, Kasey. Why would you lie to me?" He whispers against my lips.

"You're supposed to be h-healing." I close my eyes as he wiggles his fingers.

"That doesn't mean I can't do anything to you..." He smirks.

I open my eyes and bite my lip, grabbing his hand before I take a step away from him. "Jake. You can't touch me, because I know it will lead to more."

"It doesn't have to." He gives me his puppy dog eyes, and it almost makes me give in.

I clear my throat and take a breath. "It will. Both you and me know. You need to heal now, later we can do more, okay? For now, try to control yourself." I laugh at the last part.

"Well, if you weren't wearing my clothes I'd have a bit of an easier time."

"It's just clothes..." I mumble, embarrassed.

"You know how much I love it when you wear my clothes and, braless girl, you're moving freely around under that shirt when you walk so..." He smirks and crosses his muscular arms. Crap. He's definitely winning this argument.

I turn away from him silently, going back to tending the cooking omelet.

"Nothing to say?" He chuckles sarcastically, placing his hands on my hips as he gets close to me again.

I try to clear my throat. "Yeah. I don't sound like that!" I announce, spinning out of his reach as I place the omelet on a plate and leave the room with it.

"Hey!" He calls out as I plop down on the couch.

"Ya huh?" I turn my bored expression to him.

"I thought you were making that for me?" He pouts.


"Wow. No free breakfast, no sexy time. You really need to learn how to be a better host." Jake huffs.

In turn, I get up and walk back to the kitchen. His lips still pouty, I grab him and plant a kiss on them before reaching behind him and pulling a box of cereal out of the cupboard.

"Milk's in the fridge, darlin." I smirk with a pat on his bum as I walk by.

Two simple rules: don't argue with Kasey Ashugh, and don't mess with the redhead.  


It's my birthday weekend and even though my city is still all locked down i'm SO excited to turn 20 I can't handle it. Vote, comment or share to make it the best one ever!

Enjoy this quick chapter! Love you all!


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