1. Perfection is key

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"Perfection is Key. Good isn't good enough. You need to be perfect." I whisper to myself. This mantra of mine always plays on repeat in my head, like a catchy song or a broken record. I pause and snort. A record? Those don't really even exist anymore.

"Kasei! What was that thought? I need you to do this 15 more times before you pause. You need to be per-"

"Perfect." I finish her sentence. "I know, Alondra. I was stopping to catch my breath." I quickly excuse as I fix my bun. My head throbs with how tight it is, but at least it looks perfect.

"Breath isn't necessary right now! Begin again!" She presses a button and the music drifts me back into my routine.

Most people would consider breath to be necessary. To Alondra, if you aren't go, go, go all day it's a waste of a day. I'm sure all she does all day is dance and train, I don't think she even stops to eat, especially considering how tiny she is. If it weren't for her muscular physique, she'd disappear when she turned sideways.

I take a breath -sorry Alondra- and start my routine again at my cue. 45 minutes later, I'm dripping with sweat, and everything in my body screams in protest.

"Good." She nods when I'm done.

Good isn't good enough.

"Well, you are getting much better..." She sighs.

High praise, coming from her. "However, your mother would expect better." Alondra raises her eyebrows, expecting me to argue back.

"The 'great' Katherine Ashugh wouldn't expect any less than the best." I don't hold back my sassy retort, not even caring that my response could get me stuck doing fouette practice for another half hour.

"We may be expecting you to be the best, but that's not something that should come as a surprise. You have trained for this all your life. You were destined for perfection, and you should be striving hard every single day, every single practice to at least meet our expectations of you. I personally think it's a great honor to be serving the Ashugh family, but how hard is it for you to try to follow in her footsteps?" Alondra shoots me 'the look.'

I've gotten used to that look since I was twelve years old and started training with Alondra. It's been years of blood, sweat and tears at her harsh command. When I started ballet, my training only came from my mother, who finally decided that I was good enough to train with someone else, the only other person she'd trust to make me 'perfect'. Alondra Rastaf. She's the only one my mother considers an equal, having studied from the most prestigious schools in Russia. All of my peers in the dance community would kill to learn from her.

"You know, I do have other students who have just as much talent and potential as you and who would love more of my precious time." Alondra smirks, as if reading my mind. "I wonder how your mother would feel if she learned that I decided to focus my talent on someone like...oh say Abigail Banks? She's applied for all the same schools as you, she just needs a bit more one on one and what do you think would happen if she got accepted to her first choice and not you?"

I hate her. Not to be dramatic, but Abby has been my arch nemesis for as long as I can remember. Always neck and neck in the race with me despite not having a famous mother. She's just full of natural talent, and the problem is she knows it. Her vanity has grown as much as her lip injections over the years.

"I see I've gotten your attention now, Kasei." 

"Yeah." Just thinking about it leaves a foul taste in my mouth.

I try to calm my breathing as I wonder what would happen if I just gave into temptation? I can see the headlines now 'daughter of famous ballerina snaps and chokes out her private instructor with a pointe shoe!' yeah maybe that's a bad idea.

"As you know, I could easily tell Katherine I'm too busy. But instead, I suggest you follow my good advice." Alondra says smugly.

Even if she WAS 'too busy' she wouldn't turn down the 6 figure number she's getting paid from my mother, or the big mess that would be made if Katherine was denied anything she wanted.

"Yes, Alondra." I sigh and let myself agree. "I'll try harder to be perfect."


"You're right." hold in the eye roll.

"Obviously." Without saying another word, or even a dismissal, Alondra packs up her stuff and sashays out of the room. Like, actually sashays. Although, with a figure that actually turns heads, and a presence that demands attention, I suppose you can do that.

I sigh and head in the direction of the changing rooms.

Perfection. Right.

Another day in the life of Kasei Ashugh.


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