20. Intense Game of Hide and Seek

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I gasp for breath, ducking behind the bed so that the people chasing me can't find me. A hand slaps over my mouth.

Jake scoops me up and sticks me on his lap as I try not to giggle.

"Baby. The point of this game is to not make noise." He whispers against the skin just under my neck.

"Don do that unwess you wand me to made noise-b" I mumble against his hand.

"What?" He pulls his hand away, to hear what I said.

"Don't do that unless you want me to make noise." I whisper back to him.

"What, place my lips here-?" He demonstrates. "And talk?"

"Fuck. Yes." I grumble.

He chuckles quietly and rubs his scruff against where my shoulder and neck connect.

I giggle, trying to stifle it. "Now that just tickles."

He does it again. "Then try not to laugh."

"I- can't do- that!" I bust out laughing.

He stops. "Oh. Shit." A light beam bounces our way.

"What?" I whisper shout.

"I thought I heard something over here" One of the security guards says into his radio. The radio crackles. "Okay, Jim. Check it out. Call us if you need more backup."

His footsteps get closer and I press myself closer to Jake. "Okay, baby. He's going to find us. Quietly get off my lap, when he comes close I'm going to scare the shit outta him, and then we run." He mumbles quietly into my ear. Some plan, Jake.

I nod, and slowly slide off him, getting prepared to run. I look to him for the cue as the guard gets closer, and closer.

"Ready?" He mouths. I nod. The light beam lands 2 feet away from us.

"SCARED YA!" Jake yells, jumping out at the guard, who jumps, drops his flashlight and tumbles onto the bed as we rush past him. Jake scoops up his light as I keep running.

I hear 'Jim' running behind us yelling into his radio. We run out of the bedroom section, and into the children's room section.

I duck behind a container full of stuffed animals, and Jake gives me a thumbs up, still running. The guard didn't notice me! Once they are out of sight range, I hop into the ginormous tub of pillows and stuffed animals, and bury myself. As I'm tunneling down, my hand hits something human-like.

With a screech, I back away quickly, tipping me and Dakota out as the bucket falls backwards with a crash.

We scurry out from under piles of animals, alerting a guard nearby.

"Great job, Kase." Dakota pants as we run.

"I'm sorry. How was I supposed to know you were in there?" I huff. "Great spot though, hey?"

She chuckles and we turn another corner. "I know, right? Knuckles and I were hiding in the kitchen, except when we tried to close the cupboard door, a bunch of pots fell."

We zip sideways, ducking behind a couch. Just moments after we are hidden, a guard huffs past us, talking into his radio.

"Did you lose each other?" I whisper as we get up, knowing we need to hide somewhere better.

"No. He got caught. He tripped over a pot and told me to run." She smirks. "Jake got caught too?"

"Not yet." I point to the tracker that says he's slowly heading towards the bathroom area, not too far away from us, actually.

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