50. The sober, smart one

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"Soooo what do ya think they're doing?" Dakota slurs, twirling her tongue around the straw in her -what feels like millionth- martini.

Keila laughs and mimics a boxer pose, pumping her fists out. "Probably a fight to the death."

I groan and lay my head down on the bar, only for a second before I realize how gross and sticky it is. "Ughhh."

"Chill out girllll." Magdalene says, patting my shoulder. "Nobody's going to die today."

Dakota giggles. "When I was 6 my dad told me that on average 2,813,503 people in the US die every single day."

"Wow your dad is dark as fuck." Keila shudders. "Who says that to a 6 year old?"

"Her dad is the worst." I point out.

"Yeah but wow way to remember that number." Mag responds. "I can't even remember if i put my highlighter on today."

"Oh it's super easy just look at your nose and you can tell." Keila laughs, crossing her eyes. Mag and Dakota do the same.

The bartender comes up to me for the 5th time tonight, gesturing at the giggling girls around me and my glass of pepsi. "You sure you don't want anything stronger?"

"Someone has to be the sober, smart one in this situation, so I suppose that's gotta be me." I sigh.

"Hey how rude. Kasey said we aren't sober." One of the girls yells.

"And she said we aren't smart!" Someone else hollers. 

"Kasey's rude." Someone echos.

"I'm not rude."

"KAY-SEE'S RUDE. KAY-SEE'S RUDE. KAY-SEE'S RUDE!" They all start chanting.

"Guys. I'm not being rude, I'm simply saying that instead of getting all happy and drunk over our mans' victory, we should be worried about what they're doing."

"Damage control. When we leave they basically never fight. Chill tf out you're downing on our party." Angela says, throwing her arm over me as everyone continues the chant.

I shrug her arm off and check my phone for messages from Jake again. Nothing. "I just don't think it's responsible to party rn...'' I sigh. "But goodness could y'all stop chanting?"

"Lammmmmeee" Dakota hums in my ear. "ANOTHER ROUND OF SHOTS!"

I cringe away from the loud noise and all the cheering, checking my phone again. Nothing. This is driving me nuts.

"Soooo how's the boyfriend?" Keila yells in Dakota's ear. She flinches away, spilling her drink on my lap.

I let out a frustrated huff. "What. The fuck." I swat her shoulder.

"Oh no! Did you pee yourself?" she giggles.

I roll my eyes and wave the bartender over to clean up and take the empty glass from her. He gives me another sympathetic look and wipes the bar clean.

"I don't technically think that me and Blade are dating." She finally answers. "But he's a gooood kisser." she winks, dragging out her O's. 

"OOOOOOH." The ladies hoot. "MORE SHOTS!"

I roll my eyes and slump down with my head against the -now clean- bar, but straighten when I hear the faint familiar sound of a motorcycle engine.

"Do you hear that?" I turn to the nearest girl, who completely ignores me, watching the bartender make their precious shots.

I shake my head and run to yank the door open. "JAKE." I breathe a sigh of relief as I see him pull in.

"Were you waiting at the door for me?" Jake chuckles as I jump into his arms and bury my face in his neck.

"No." I mumble.

"I call bullshit on that one..." Tyler laughs. "Also your pants are wet...are you really excited to see us?"

I drop down and glare at him. "Dakota spilled her drink on me."

"Uh huh. Sure."

"Thorn, watch your words when you know someone has blackmail on you."

His eyes become wide and he shuts up as Jake laughs and claps him on the shoulder. "What could you possibly have on him that I don't?"

I chuckle. "Couldn't tell you."

Tyler breathes a sigh of relief and follows the others into the bar.

"I thought you guys were going to get all fucked up." I sigh gratefully, tucking myself into his side as we walk inside.

"As if anyone would fuck up the leader of the Hawks." Mag laughs.

"Thanks for eavesdropping." I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm just sayin. If someone tried to mess with him, watch out."

"Oh yeah I'd absolutely come for them. They don't stand a chance."

"Fuck me up and this crazy gingers coming for you, and that's a nightmare." Jake chuckles

"I feel as though I should be offended, but you're not wrong." I laugh. "You're not wrong." 


Sorry for the slow publish, I have a couple things I'm working on right now...But here's a nice little filler chapter to tide you over for now ;)


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