24. Date With Jake

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I figured a date would be a good way to figure out background info about them without just tossing info at you guys...also they're adorable so y not? ENJOY!


"So like...we never really talk about you much."

"Okay..." he scratches his stubble. "Ask away, Red."

"How long have you been in charge of the gang?" I ask

He chuckles, "first, it's not really a gang."

I raise my brows.

"We are just a bunch of people that ride motorcycles and have a business."

"And y'all have a house that holds, like 20 people. Where did you find that anyway?"

"Well we used to have a mansion, when I was a little boy I remember that. We only had a few members back then. Not a whole bunch all over the states. The clubhouse we live in now used to be an old community college or something...My dad bought it, even though it had too many dorm rooms back then, and he fixed it up. Technically, we could live in this house as a big family, but a lot of us have houses elsewhere."

"Why do you call it a clubhouse?"

He blinks at me. "I guess because we are a motorcycle club, and it's our house. I'm not sure...My Dad just always called it that. But I don't know. I've seen bigger gangs with bigger houses, but we like our place. And we didn't have to custom build it."

"Shouldn't there be classrooms and shit if this used to be a college?" I frown, tucking a hair behind my ear.

"You ask a lot of questions." Jake laughs.


"No, no I don't mind. Yeah, it did have a few classrooms, but we turned a couple of them into meeting rooms, or offices, and two of the biggest classrooms at the back of the building we turned into a gym. A couple others were used for what now is our lounge area. The kitchen was always by the front doors, and then we just opened up the front space and stuck couches and shit in it."

"Wow. How long did this take? To like, renovate the whole thing."

"Ugh, a couple months. My dad then attached a house to the back of the building, and that's where Keila and I lived with dad."

"Mom?" '

Jake looks away. "I don't know where she is. Probably dead somewhere."

"Oh. Sorry." I twist my fingers in my lap. "So, in general, do you like it there? I mean, there's also tons of chicks, which is nice for you guys I guess."

"Yeah. They are a good group of men, and I know they got my back forever. Respect is a big thing there, too. I don't like all of them, but I respect them all, and they respect me. Something my Dad taught us." He chuckles.

"And the girls...?" I say slowly, trying not to seem jealous.

Jake smirks. Darn. Too late. "The girls just chill at our place, though I don't really know why. Like most of them work at the club across the street, but a couple of them stay at our place because the guys like them. Another thing that has stayed constant over the years."

"I still think y'all should stop calling them club whores." I frown.

"It's just a nickname that's been used forever, Kasey. They don't care."

"I care. It's rude and degrading. Just because they are fucking all the bikers, doesn't mean they are part of the club, Jake."

He smirks again and leans close to my ear, making me shudder. "Are you jealous?"

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