26. Phone Call

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I run my hands through my hair with a deep sigh. I have to keep practicing, every day until I go to New York. I need to nail this audition. I saw Mia's snap story the other day, saying that she's headed to London next week, early for the school year. I can't believe it's the middle of July already! Soon I'm going to be either in a dance school, or... no. I can't think about the 'or'. I need to be perfect.

I look at the time on my phone, thinking how I should be buckling down staying here for longer than an hour, but I also I know if I don't go home soon, Dakota will have my hide.

I sigh again, and wave goodbye to the front desk girl, as I step out and take a gulp of the cool summer air.

Just as I turn on my car, my phone rings the special tone reserved for Emmaline. "Hey Momma."

"Kasey. How are you?"

That's a loaded question. "I'm alright, I just got out of the gym."

"Ah, I am not surprised. You wouldn't be the same girl without your exercising."

"So what's up? How are you doing?"

She lets out a sigh. "Not well."


"I haven't seen you in so long! I miss you."

"Awe, Em I miss you too."

"I am so lonely. I was wondering if you would come over. For dinner." She adds.

"I'd love to, but I have tons of stuff I'm worried about, and barre practice a couple times a week."

She sniffles.

"I'm just way too stressed out to want to deal with my mother right now."

"Your mom is away. It's just that I am so lonely because nobody comes to see me anymore, and not even you visit me!" Em cries.

"Okay, calmati! I saw you not that long ago at the barbecue, and a few weeks before that was the family dinner."

"It seems like forever when you are alone in a big, empty house." She sighs.

Oh, Italian woman dramatics.

"So what were you thinking?"

"No, no. if you are too busy... I'll try to get a hold of one of my own offspring."

"Momma Em. I think I can find some time to see you in the next few weeks, but I think it would be better if we met at a restaurant instead of driving down to the house."

"Are you sure you are not too busy?"

I bite my lip and look at my pocket calendar. It looks like I could squeeze in dinner this week. Besides, it'd be nice to get a break from work, and dance. "How does this Tuesday sound?"

She squeals. "Cara Mia! Grazie, grazie! It will be a perfect!"

I chuckle at her excitement. "Do you want to see Dakota, too?"

"I do not care who you bring along, or if you come alone. She is a sweet girl so it would be nice to see her. You check with her, okay?!"

"Okay, Em."

"And how is everything out there, besides ballet?"

"I'm doing okay. Dakota makes me healthy smoothies." Not that I drink them.

"Well, of course she does. She has a good head on her shoulders. So, you have a man?"

"Momma Em!" I sigh, blushing. We're finally official, but I'm not sure how it will work out, so there's no point getting hopes up.

"Okay, okay. Sorry. I just-a worry about my children too much. I want grandchildren to spoil, you know." She huffs.

"You have grandkids. And your own kids need more help than I."

"You are right. Antonio is still single, you know." She says suggestively.

"Not surprised." I mutter. And sure as hell not interested.

"Anyway, I must-a go now. I will tell the family you say hello."

"I thought you hadn't talked to them in weeks?" I smirk. I, for one, chat with Josephina every couple days, so I have all the know-how on what's up in their lives.

She makes a noise. "Tell your Dakota I said hi too! Ti amo, cara!"

"I love you too Em."

She quickly hangs up the phone. I roll my eyes with a smile, leaning against my seat.

Typical Emmaline. Straight to the point, then hangs up.


There you go!

Short and sweet just like me 😝

More chapters involving this, coming soon!

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