19. All these boxes

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"We definitely should have called someone." I grumble, unloading a box from the rented Ford Escape.

"This is going to take forever, Kase." Dakota groans. "Look at all these boxes. And there's still 20 more at your house."

"Stop grumbling, D. I can't stay motivated when you are unmotivated."

"Fine." She huffs, picking up a box labeled teapots.

"Are you effing serious? YOU MADE A BOX CALLED TEAPOTS?!" I gasp.

She laughs. "Yep."

I huff and sit down on the doorstep. "I can't believe we have enough tea shit to actually have its own box!"

She sits down beside me. "We have a couple." She sighs and lays her head on my shoulder. "I'm unmotivated." She announces.

"We need to move in eventually." I say.

"I know."

"Well I have never seen two people look so depressed about having freedom in my whole life." Jake announces, appearing in front of us.

We both jump, startled. I open my mouth to ask why he's here, but no sound comes out.

"I was pretty depressed about moving." Keila rounds the corner, punching him on the shoulder.

Jake rolls his eyes and picks up a box from beside us. "Okay, bums. Stop looking so glum." He announces, brushing past us, into the house.

I gape after him, surprised. "Wha-?"

"He has that reaction on a lot of girls, neighbour. Now get your rear in gear." Keila smirks, heading into the house too.

"I don't understand what's happening, but go with the flow." Dakota chuckles, lifting the box of teapots off the step. "Especially when that means following a drool worthy ass like that one."

I smirk, picking up the box I just put down. "That's true."

"I heard that!" Jake yells from inside.

I blush. Of course he did.

"Okay, I hope you don't mind, I sent Thorn and the rest of the boys to your house to pick up the rest of the boxes. I hope you didn't actually think that you were going to do this alone, dragging boxes into that." he nods to the Escape. "And driving to and fro an hour away."

"Well-." I hesitate. "It sounded better in my head." I mumble.

He smirks. I jump. "Wait!"

The three of them look startled and Dakota drops an ugly brown teapot on the floor. Unfortunately, it doesn't break.

"What the hell was that?!" Keila gasps, clutching her chest dramatically.

"Word. She does that whenever a thought passes through that tiny brain of hers. You'll get used to it scaring the shit out of you."

"Says the one that just dropped that." I sass, pointing at the teapot.

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes. Jake just laughs.

"Anyway." I turn to Jake. "Please tell me you didn't send delinquents to my house, because Mr. Piper will probably call the cops on them. Last time, he had Thorn pinned against the hood of his truck."

Jake laughs. "Thorn will manage. He could totally beat him if he really wanted to."

True, but! Momma Em will have a heart attack."

"Who?" He looks concerned.

"Emmaline!" I say, almost in hysterics. "I can't just let them kill her."

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