44. Quick Visit

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"I probably should um, explain this all..." I start, wringing my hands in my lap.

"I mean, that'd be nice..." Jake starts.

"Duh." Dakota butts in.

Jake glares at her. My gosh I missed this boy so much.

"Yeah. So, um...y'all know that I went to California."

"Yeah." They nod.

"While I was there, I saw Andrew."

Dakota's eyes go wide with excitement, and worry. "So?" She says anxiously.

"WHO?!" Jake growls.

"I met his whole family." I ignore him. "They were all actually super kind and welcoming, and man it was actually so good! I was not in a good place when I left, as you both know, but hanging out with him for a couple hours..." I drift off. "It was much needed." I finish.

Dakota nods sympathetically, and it's clear that Jake wants me to answer his question on who Andrew is, judging by the flexing of his jaw as he grits his teeth, and the irritated look on his face.

"Jake. I'm trying to talk here seriously. Stop with the petty jealousy. I'm still mad at you."

He jumps up in his chair. "WHY!? Seriously I have NO idea what I did wrong!"

"Of course you don't! You are never the problem, are you?" I stand and face him angrily.

"I WOULD know if I was the problem if you told me what the fucking problem WAS!" He gets dangerously close to me.

"I-"I pause, as I feel a tear slip down one cheek. "I feel betrayed."

His face softens, and a finger lifts my chin so I'm looking him right in the face. "How did I do that?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" I scream.

"I don't know!" I say quieter. "I guess you didn't." I sniffle. "I thought you were just using me. Like, I thought that everyone in my life was using me and now I'm confused and don't know what to do." I sob, resting my forehead on his chest.

"Is this still about the bike thing? Because I'm really sorry, but I don't think you are the reason our bike sales are increasing."

I pull away. "What?"

"Well, as your mom said, the media hadn't even really found out about us until recently, when they saw my bike at your place one time."

"Oh, yeah. So?"

"So, sales have been increasing since June and we didn't even know each other in June. Not to mention that any normal biker has no idea about any celebrity problems, let alone ballerinas." His nose turns up as he says it, and I let out a small chuckle as I lightly hit him.

"I take great offence to that, J.T." I giggle. "No, but seriously. Why have they gone up, then?"

"Well, first of all its summer time."

"Well obviously."

"But, we've been all trying to figure out what's been different in the past couple months, and we then realized that our tech guy put our new website design out in June. I guess that's really helped get us out there and get more sales easily accessible." He shrugs.

"Wait a second." Dakota stands as well. "This whole thing was because of BIKE SALES?"

"Well, no I was just overwhelmed with everything happening, and then mother told me that everyone was just using me, and like..." I let out a deep sigh. "I dunno. She just kinda got in my head and I just went crazy."

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