64. Walk Through

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"I locked it up again so that you could do the honors and be the first one in." Tony's voice breaks me out of my daze.

I was staring at the outside of the studio, shocked at how big it actually looks now and admiring the modern colors and huge windows. "I think I just wanna stay here for a second." I sigh happily.

He laughs. "Yeah that's understandable. I'm pleased with how quickly it all got finished, to be honest I was expecting it to take another couple months, but I guess everyone loves accommodating famous ballerinas."

"Well yeah they say 'the right number on the cheque can fast track anything'." I sigh. As much as I want to hate the fact that my money made this project finish months ahead of schedule, I can't possibly feel this way now that I'm looking at it.

"And you're important to me so that helps..." he murmurs, grabbing my hand.

I pull away as if burned and glare at him. "Antonio. I thought we talked about this!" I huff.

"I know. I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just.." he trails off. "you never lose feelings even when both of you move on. They stay there..."

"Mine evaporated pretty quick when Sofie was sucking you off. I dunno what you mean." I snipe back.

"Ok, fine. I know. I don't know how many more times you want an apology."

"I don't need any more apologies, I just need you to stop." I sigh.

"look. Princ-"

"Y'know what, I'll do the walk through alone. Honestly that'd be more comfortable. Thanks." I shake my head at him and walk up to the door. Cursive in a light pink says our name and hours of operation, and a grin reappears on my face as the excitement rushes back. Forget about all that drama, this is the only thing that matters now.

The frosted window means that I can't get a sneak peek of the inside, I gotta just walk in and see it all at once. "Here goes." I whisper to myself and turn the key.

The door swings open and I let out an audible gasp as I enter. It's light and smells like fresh paint and new wood. The front desk is situated a few steps from the entrance, right in the center of the room, and on either side are hallways. One is labelled 'changerooms' and the other is labelled 'dance rooms'. To the right of me is a coat area with mats for shoes and racks for jackets, and to the left of me is several chairs and my office.

I quickly walk over to my office and peek inside. It's not finished, the furniture still in the packaging and my box of decorations sitting on top, but it's spacious and flooded with natural light, and painted a gorgeous pink so light it almost looks off-white. The furniture is all black and once I finish setting it up, I just know it'll be so beautiful.

I start visualizing where my desk goes, where each achievement will be pasted on the walls but my curiosity drags me out after a few minutes.

The next space I explore is the changing room area. My jaw drops as I walk in. On either side of the spacious room is lockers with benches like a traditional change room, but on the far wall is stalled showers.

I breathe a sigh of relief. When I told them my idea, I was told that making a wheelchair accessible and private shower changeroom was not possible, and nobody else attempted it for that reason. Growing up I had the worst body dysphoria because even though I'm stick thin and perfectly proportionate, I would be in the room with other girls in the showers, self conscious that I wasn't growing right or skinny enough. It was honestly the worst part of dance for me, and I was privately trained most of my life so it's not even something I encountered more than once a week!

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