15. Gym//Jake's POV

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Her hips sway as she walks away from me. Most girls would do so, and turn back to see if I'm watching, but she doesn't. She just seems to have that kind of walk, I'm sure she's not doing it on purpose.

As if in a trance, I follow her and hear the familiar beat of Eminem 'Lose Yourself' pumping from her earbuds. "My kind of girl." I chuckle.

Suddenly she turns around and pulls out one of them. "Did you say anything?"

I laugh, a little embarrassed to be caught. If only she knew my real thoughts. "I was complimenting your choice in music, but apparently it's too loud for you to hear."

A deep blush covers her cheeks and downward the pinky hue paints the top of her chest and I force myself to look away, and back up at her juicy lips.

  There's words coming out, and you're being a dick by not listening. My mind scolds me.

"You've decided to stop boxing?"

nope, I was just following you like a stalker. My eyes flash to the bench presses situated directly behind the treadmills, the direction she's headed. "Yeah, I was thinking of doing bench next. Where are you headed?"

"I'm going to treadmill. Nothing too hard for me today." She laughs.

"Well, enjoy yourself." I give her the double-dimple grin, and she turns red again.

Kasei lets loose a laugh. "You too, JT."

I flush. I actually really like it when she calls me Jake. It's refreshing to have somebody call me that. "I know Keils likes to bug, but I really don't mind when you call me Jake, honestly."

"Jake it is." She winks, and steps onto a treadmill.

"Damn. Jake. You are in troubbbblllllee with that one." Keila comes up behind me.

"Shut up." I hiss, continuing to watch her start at a jog in those short, tight shorts. They mold perfectly to her ass, as if they were made for her.

She clears her throat again. "Okay...I've given you the non-creepy 10 second allotted time for checking someone out, but you have officially passed the 30 second creepy mark." She elbows me. "What gives, Jake?"

"Would you stop saying my name like that?" I huff, walking to the boxing area to find my water bottle.

"Like what, Jake?" She giggles.

"That. It's annoying. JT is what you've been calling me for 7 years, now. And suddenly, you're calling me Jake and being all weird and dramatic." 

"Everyone has been calling you JT for 7 years. And suddenly, my coworker who you barely know, is calling you Jake. What gives?"

"I don't mind when she says it. It's not like she's a random chick."

"OH MY GAWD! You've fucked her, haven't you? Eww!" My sister heaves dramatically.

"I, okay. Shut up."

"What the hell JT! You don't get to bag everyone I work with!"

"Okay, first of all, I was dating Amy before I 'bagged' her." I say in quotations.

She rolls her eyes and slaps me. "I hate that coming out of your mouth even more. Just stop fucking all my coworkers,   God!"

"Ow. What the fuck, Keils? Watch your language." I lower my voice when a couple people look over here.

"You just said fuck, hypocrite."

"I don't care. At least be quieter."

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever."

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