𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧

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Hello Bestes! It's your wifey Aaliyah <3 this time I'm bringing you a Kuchel x Reader since I've never seen one of those before. I hope you enjoy, it's a modern AU so there isn't all the crazy action stuff.
This story is inspired by 'Garden of Words'

I apologize if this is a confusing story, it will probably make a lot more sense if you've watched the movie. I wrote this all in like 2 days so cut me some slack😫

 I wrote this all in like 2 days so cut me some slack😫

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Your POV:
Play music

Until I entered college 2 months ago I thought I.... I didn't know anything.

The dampness of my uniforms hem, wet from someones umbrella leaning up against me while I stood in the jam-packed train.

The smell of mothballs clinging to someones suit, like a ghost.

The warmth of bodies pressing against my back.

The unpleasant breeze of the air conditioner against my face.

The train I was standing in had finally arrived to the station after what felt like years of standing in place, swaying back and forth from the force of the tracks against the bullet train.

The doors had opened, allowing all the passengers to step out. I was carrying a clear umbrella, anyone who was smart would be carrying a umbrella as well. The rain hadn't let up all day, it's been pouring all week.

I guess that's a part of June.

"Shinjuku. Thank you for riding with us. Shinjuku. Shinjuku Station." The automated announcement message spoke.

I paused in my step, the crowd continuing to walk past me. I peeked up through the opening between the two building structures into the gloomy, stormy sky.

When I was little, the sky was so much closer, so much closer.

That's why I like the rain, it brings the smell of the sky.

I swiped my train card, running up to the front of the train station but remaining under the awning as I opened my umbrella.

On rainy mornings, instead of transferring via subway, I exit out the station gates and venture into the rain.

Even with the rainy weather, the streets were still full and the sidewalks just as packed. The city was as lively as always, thankfully nothing had flooded yet.

I tried to keep dry as I walked, trying not to soak up my school uniform. It was just a black, long sleeve dress with a white collar and red neck ribbon. My school had also provided black Mary Janes and white lace socks.(Imagine Chika Fujiwaras dress) But my umbrella provided decent cover aside from my shoes. It was a little uncomfortable walking with wet socks but oh well.

I had gotten to a sidewalk toll, I reached in my small backpack containing my sketch book and some other random things. I pulled out a few straggler coins and looking for the correct coin.

"Aha" I held onto one of them and set the rest back in my backpack, zipping it up and securing it onto my back. I slid the singular coin into the coin slot so the gate would open for me to pass through.

It was to get into one of the gardens, I'd pass through here occasionally as a way to relax to the sound of rain. I'd often sketch fashion designs since my dream had always been to become a famous fashion designer.

I walked over a bridge, the small wedges of my Mary Janes clicking as I walked over the wooden structure. The bridge was overlooking a lake, the rainwater splattering against the lakes surface before combining itself with it.

The lush green environment always put my mind at ease, the calming rain only added to the serene surroundings.

I crossed over the bridge, a small smile on my face as I walked through the puddles. My eyes were set on the lake to my side, glimpses of trees getting in the way of my sightseeing occasionally.

I was headed to a gazebo overlooking the water, it was the usual place I went to when I came to this particular garden.

The awning always kept the benches out of the way so it was a nice way to enjoy being outside and keep dry.

But I stopped when I noticed a girl around my age occupying one of the benches. She had a baby carriage on one side of her and her purse and umbrella on the other.

Her uniform told me she attended one of my neighboring colleges, Sina University, while I attended Rose University.

The uniform for SU was a navy blue pleated skirt, a white tea with a red bow tie attached to the collar. She had on brown Mary Janes and black socks, her hair was laying loosely on her shoulders.

She had long black hair, reaching to her mid back, steely blue eyes and thick black eyelashes. She had plump pink lips and thin eyebrows.

She had been taking a sip of soda can in her hand, when she noticed me she set it down next to her.

It wasn't the fact that she surprised me that made me stop in my tracks, it was the fact she was breathtaking.

𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝗼 𝐏𝐫𝗼𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝗼𝐫(𝐊𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐱𝐅𝐞𝗺!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)𝐂𝗼𝗺𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now