𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 13- 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲

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———————Kuchel's POV: Play Music

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Kuchel's POV:
Play Music

The door lightly shut behind her.

Why did I turn her down?

I love her just as much as she loves me.

Why have I built these walls so high?

Is it for Levi? Is it to protect myself?

But she...she's not like them.

So why did I say those things?

I want to hug and hold her in my embrace, letting my feelings for her succumb me.

It's not like before... I don't want to be with her for the sole purpose to sleep with her.

I want to be loved by her, I want to shower her with my affection too.

So what's stopping me?

Her arms are the only place I want to be.

I, myself, was crying too. My hands holding my forearms in attempt to comfort myself.

Flashback.  ( "~" means a different flashback.)

"This lunch was for me, but I made too much. If you like... you can have some. Don't worry, I promise it tastes good!"


"I haven't decided who the dress is for yet...But since I'm using your measurements. Who knows, maybe I'll make it for you"


"I acted like you today and drank too much beer. I couldn't help myself, my brother bought some home last night and I helped myself to his stash. It was the kind you drink too!"


"I got drunk and fell off the Yamanote Line platform."


" a faint sound of thunder. Even if rain comes not, I will stay here, if you, too, stay."

Flashback Over.

I gasped, looking at the door she had just left through and immediately kicking off the wall and running after her. Levi was in his crib so he'd be fine for a short period.

I ran out of my apartment barefoot, heading out to the rain-exposed staircase that led to groundlevel.

I ran as fast as I could, almost slipping a few times but catching myself. My hair was sticking to my face as I began to get soaked in the warm rainwater.

"I'll stay (y/n)... just give me once last chance to say the right things" I mumbled to myself, hoping she was still somewhere along the staircases.

I kept going until I stopped at a platform, at the end of the next set of stairs was (y/n).

She was looking down at the busy sitting, her hair damp from the rain and her silent cries were barely audible.

I stepped down one of the stairs, making her aware that I was here.

She looked back at me, her eyes wide. She wiped her tears but they were only replaced with more.

I slowly stepped down the stairs and she looked down at the ground.

"Kuchel, please forget what I said earlier...I don't want you to be in anymore pain. Maybe it's best for us to stay friends, I don't want to ruin our relationship... I'll always be here for you I promise, but if you really believe that your dragging me down...I guess there's no changing your mind. But Kuchel... my dreams mean nothing if your not by my side when I fulfill them. You say you've been alone your whole life and I tried to change that! I tried to my best to make you happy, seeing you smile lit up my whole world, I would do anything to make you happy Kuchel! I've never looked down upon you, your my whole world did you know that? Spending time with you and Levi has been the best time in my whole life. I thought you wanted to be with me too, well part of me did... but looks like I read the situation wrong huh?"

Seeing her cry like this shattered me, I was beginning to sob as well.

"No it's not that-"

"I told you'd I stay, but I understand if you don't want me too."

I ran down the stairs and pulled her into my embrace, wrapping my arms around her neck and sobbing into the crook of her neck. After a moment she hugged back, the two of us crying together.

"E-every morning... every morning I put on my uniform
To go to school...I was scared! I was scared of getting hurt, I was scared of taking down my walls! I didn't let anyone in... but in that place you came! You came and you saved me. Oh my god... you saved me!"

She pulled back, cupping my face in her hands, my eyes locked with her (e/c) ones.

"(Y/n)....I love you too"

Her pout turned into a smile, her sad tears turning into happy ones. Her eyes lit up and before I knew it her lips crashed against mine.

Your POV:

Her soft, plump lips felt like heaven. I had longed for this, to hold her in my embrace like this, holding her as close to me as possible as if she might disappear.

It was a gentle, passionate kiss. Not lustful or sloppy.

There were no words but the language her lips spoke matched with the words she had just said a few moments ago.

After a few seconds I pulled away, a smile evident on my face.

"Meet me in the garden tomorrow okay? Regardless of it's raining, just come. I've got something to show you" I told her, "oh! And don't forget to bring Levi, well you were going to anyways"

"Of course"

"Great, I'll see ya tomorrow then?"

"I'll be there."

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