𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 12- 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝

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—————-Your POV: The Next Morning

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Your POV:
The Next Morning.
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I woke up the next morning to someone else snoring, a abnormal weight against my legs. It was also raining outside.

When I opened my eyes I realized I wasn't in my apartment, or in my bed for that matter. I was in Kuchel's.

That snoring was Kuchel, she was laying on my legs with a blanket pulled over her. I looked over at the crib and saw Levi standing up, holding onto the side of that rail for support.

I waved to him and he stuck his tongue out as usual, that's pretty much his way of smiling.

On the Tv the Hulu logo was bouncing around the black screen, Kuchel must've put Levi to bed then fell asleep. I wonder what time I went to bed? Hopefully we finished the movie, not that I was paying attention much.

I was too busy looking at her and trying to sort my mind out.

Levi started bouncing, spewing gibberish from his mouth and waking up Kuchel.

She stirred awake, scratching her head as she sat up and looked at me, "you fell asleep last night, i didn't want to wake you so I left you asleep, I hope your not mad"

"I'm not mad at all, your bed is awfully comfortable by the way."

She laughed as she yawned, then she stood up and grabbed a fresh diaper for Levi.

"Good morning big guy, how was you sleep huh?"

Listening to her talk to Levi was one of the cutest things I had ever heard. She laid him down on the bed and changed him, booping his nose in the process.



"I think I've fallen in love with you."

She set levi back in his crib, turning around to look at me with a deep blush on her cheeks. I didn't even mean to say it, the words just came out on their own.


"What do you mean? Isn't it obvious? Your amazing-"

"No, why would you want to be with someone like me?"

"Huh? What do you mean a person like you, your my favorite person in the whole world. Why wouldn't I?"

"(Y/n), you deserve better. I'm not saying that I don't feel for you too but you shouldn't have to deal with someone like me. I'm a mess, I've got Levi... it's all a lot"

"Okay so? I love being with you, I love being with Levi too. And don't say I deserve better because nobody could ever compare to you Kuchel."

"That's not true, you didn't even know anything about me until the rumors at school started, I was lying to you from the beginning. Meanwhile, you had told me almost everything about you. You have your life together, your stable, your going to be a fucking fashion designer for fuck's sake. While I'll probably end up being some useless waitress or something"

"What? Kuchel what has gotten into you! Your not useless, and who cares what I'm doing. None of it matters unless I'm with you."

Her breath halted and my heart shattered.

Why does she think so low of herself? Cant she see I love her? I'm not like her parents, I'm not like those shitheads at school, I'm not like Itō, I'm not like her parents, we've known eachother for months, does she still not trust me to stay with her?

"....I was practicing how to fly on my own, there in that place. Before you came along I wasn't sure how to do it, I was like a helpless bird trying to spread its wings and fly like the rest. Then you came and helped me fly, it's like I can only fly when your around to hold me up. But I didn't realize that I'm dragging you down with me when I fall."

"Kuchel, what are you talking about, just let me be with you. Your not dragging me down at all, I love you!"

"You've always been there (y/n). So I wanted to thank you for all you've done for me."

Is she trying to break up with me before we could even be together?

"... I don't want to drag you down (y/n). I want you to live a life you can be proud of."

But I want to be with her.

Tears were welling in my eyes as I looked out the window, staring at a plant holder on her balcony that was filling with rain water.

"Your not dragging me down... just think about it, please?"

I reached onto the floor and grabbed my purse, pulling out my wallet and taking out the cash I had. I set it on the nightstand, it was only about ¥10,000 but should be enough for her to buy herself dinner.

"(Y/n) what are you-"

"I'll see you at our normal spot on rainy days, 'Kay?"

Kuchel nodded, watching as I stood up and waved Levi a goodbye with a smile on my face. Even if I was smiling that didn't mean tears weren't gliding down my cheeks.


"I'll get out of your hair okay? I'll just grab my things and head home, I've got to change these bandages anyway"

I walked out of the bedroom, going to put my shoes back on. Kuchel followed me out of the bedroom, watching from the doorframe.

I opened the door, glancing back at her with tears on my face.

"If only you could see yourself the way I see you... later Kuchel."

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