𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5- 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞?

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———————-Kuchel's POV: Play Music

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Kuchel's POV:
Play Music

I was standing at the train station once again, waiting for my subway to arrive on the track. Levi was in his baby carriage as usual, he was playing with his teething rings.

Even if Levi was a reminder of the past-me he was still the best thing to come into my life. I don't feel as lonely with him with me, plus he's just so damn cute.

"For your safety, Please stay behind the time yellow line. The doors on Track 1 are now closing, please be careful."

After the subway left I leaned up against the board with the train schedules. I had my uniform on and my purse with my candy bars and Levi's bottle inside, along with my wallet and some other things.

After a minute of standing there I sighed, gripping onto the handles of Levi's baby carriage and looking down at him with a smile.

"Let's go find (y/n) okay?"

Of course he didn't respond, he was only One after all so he couldn't talk. I'd still talk to him though, he was always good at listening.

Over the past few weeks we've gone to visit (y/n) at the Gazebo on every rainy morning. It was a great day to start the day, I didn't feel so alone when I talked to her, she was my only genuine friend and we actually had a lot in common.

She didn't know much about my past or anything like that but she'd talk about her situation and I realized we did have a lot in common.

When me and Levi got to the garden I spotted her. She had her umbrella closed up and sitting next to her, and her sketchbook in hand. She also had her uniform on, both of us were getting in trouble with our schools often but we continued nonetheless.

"Oh hey Kuchel, I thought you might not come today. I mean it's a miracle neither of us have been kicked off campus"

I went around behind her, peeking over to see her sketchbook. She had been drawing a dress with floral embroidery.

"Wow! It's beautiful!"

She closed her sketchbook, a deep blush tinting her cheeks. "Kuchel! You cant look yet"

"What, I can't see? Why not"

"It's not done yet, um why don't you sit down in your spot? I brought Levi some banana slices again but I ate some of them since I wasn't sure if you were coming" she laughed, pulling out a small bento box and opening to reveal a couple banana slices. I also brought breakfast, enough for two if you want some"

"Thank you, but I brought my own today." I set the bento box of bananas in front of Levi, he grabbed one and smiled, shoving it into his mouth with wide eyes.

"Let me guess. Chocolate?"

"What? I cook sometimes, you know."

"Oh? Well, let's trade side dishes, it looks good Kuchel"

(Y/n) leaned over, grabbing some food from my plate and shoving it right into her mouth

"Wait, (y/n) I'm not really..." her brows furrowed, her cheeks still tinted pink, mine were heating up as well. She forced herself to swallow and I sighed, leaning back against the bench.

"...confident with cooking. Never was. Levi eats it though, maybe because it's the only food he gets."

I grabbed a bottle of water out of my bag and held it out for her, "it's your own fault though."

She chugged it and giggled, "It wasn't that bad, I just wasn't expecting it that's all"


"Sorry, i didn't mean to sound like a bitch. It's tasty in its own way. It's firm!"

"Now your just making fun of me"

"What? I'm not! Can I have another?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "your insane."

"Please, it's good!"

"Knock yourself out I guess"

She ate the rest of it, I could tell she was forcing herself to it just to make me happy. She's so weird sometimes.

While she was chewing she tapped the bench to get my attention, "hey Wanna have dinner at my place? Oh shit I mean like you can come over if you want! No pressure! I know that we just hang out here but I can cook for you... if you want."

It's been a long time since I've gone to someone else's house like that. The last time was well, almost two years ago.

I do trust her, Levi doesnt mind being around her. Plus we're both college freshmen so what harm could it be? It would also be nice to have a cooking lesson.

"You know what? Why not, sounds like fun"

"Wait really? I wasn't expecting you to actually agree, my house is a bit of a mess since it's just me and my brother but I hope that's okay"

"Don't worry, it's perfectly fine"

"I'll text you the address? What's your number?"

I pulled out my phone from my bag, opening my contacts for her to put her digits in. We've known each other for weeks but surprisingly we haven't exchanged numbers yet.

She punched her digits in, setting her contact name as Garden Girl and sent herself a text.

"There! I'll see ya for dinner okay? I should probably get going to class. I'll text you the details, see ya Kuchel, bye-bye Levi"

(Y/n) opened her umbrella, walking off into the rain and leaving with a wave and smile. She's such an amazing person, I envy her sometimes.

I took Levi out of his seat, setting him on my lap and grabbing a wipe from my purse to wipe his mouth of banana.

"Your moosh is dirty, your a messy little brat arent ya? Well I don't know if you heard or not but we're gonna go to (y/n)'s soon, you excited?"

Levi sat with his tongue sticking out of his mouth, his hands trying to grab the dirty wipe from me.

"I'll take that as a yes, mommy's finally gotta friend now"

My phone buzzed on the bench, I picked it up and looked at the notification. It was from (y/n) or 'Garden Girl' and she texted me her address and also said to come over around 5 o'clock.

"Come on sweat pea, let's go home and get ready 'Kay?"

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