𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 14- 𝐄𝐧𝐝

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——————————Your POV:

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Your POV:

That night I worked my ass off to finish the dress for Kuchel. I had to give it to her, it was the perfect time.

I had punctured myself several times by accidentally sticking a pushpin into me instead of the dress, I'd draw blood but good thing I was lucky enough for none of it to get on the dress.

I stayed up all night, if I messed up even the smallest detail I went back and redid it until it was perfect.

I made sure to use the most comfortable and soft fabrics I had to ensure she would be comfortable wearing the dress.

The book Kuchel had given me came in handy, I'd reference to it for anything I had forgotten from school or for any tips.

By the time the sun had risen my fingers were covered in bandages and bags had formed under my eyes. But it was well worth it because the outcome of the dress was perfect.

I carefully took the dress off the mannequin, ironing it out for a moment to decrease the chance of wrinkles when I fold it.

It wasn't raining out but it was still wet outside from the storm yesterday.

I set it in a tote bag along with a can of the beer Kuchel likes to drink from my brothers stash he left in the fridge.

"This should be good, I hope she'll like the dress"

I went the same path, thinking about yesterday's events. I felt bad for making her cry, I didn't want to see her in tears like that, especially over me.

But I'm happy with the outcome. I'm Kuchel's and She's mine. Granted I'm sure we have challenges ahead of us, as long as we're together, we'll face it head on.

I took the subway to Shinjuku station, walking down the streets and crossing the correct crosswalks, heading to the garden once more.

I passed through the same pedestrian toll, pulling out a coin and slipping it into the slot so I could pass through.

When I got to the garden I passed the same trees, walked over the same bridges, listened to the same sounds of water flowing in the river and small streams, Watched as rain droplets fell from the trees as the wind rustled them.

Soon the Gazebo came into view, Kuchel and Levi were sitting on their side of the bench. Levi was out of his stroller again today, he was eating out of a bag of Cheerios.

"Hey (y/n)! I brought you some tea!"

I pulled out the can of beer, "I brought you some beer! Oh and the other thing... I hope you'll like it"

I walked up the single stone step of the gazebo, and stood up in front of her. I took the tea out of her hands and set it down on the bench, handing her the beer can in the process.

"So you gonna tell me what's in the bag?"

"Promise you won't be mean?"

"Mean? Unless it's a pile of shit there won't be anything mean to say."

I squeezed my eyes shut and stuck the bag out for her to take. I heard her open the bag then gasp right after, I peeked one of my eyes out and saw her expression.

She was looking at the dress, running her hands over the pastel flowers with a smile on her face.

"It's beautiful...did you make this?"

I nodded, sitting down on my side of the bench.

"Is that why you look so tired?"

"It's nothing really, I'm just glad you like it"

"I don't just like it I love it! Can I try it on? It's the most beautiful thing I've ever received, seriously! I've never even seen a design like this, I think there's a public bathroom around here somewhere..."

"Your gonna try it on here? Oh gosh, what if you hate it"

"There's no way in hell I'll hate it (y/n). I'll be right back, just watch Levi for a minute 'Kay?"


Kuchel kissed Levi on the forehead, going off to the bathroom to try on the dress. I took Levi and sat him up on my lap, bouncing my leg a little.

"Your mommy's gonna look pretty don't ya think? Even if the dress looks like butt she'll still always look beautiful"

Levi shoved a cheerio into my mouth and I chewed it, giving him a thumbs up.

"Are you tryna tell me to shut up? Your right I do talk a lot sometimes but your moms hot! You cant blame me"

Kuchel was right, Levi was a good listener.

Soon after I saw Kuchel Poke her head out from behind a tree.

"You ready for the reveal?"

"Of course I am"

Kuchel cleared her throat, coming out and twirling around in the dress I had created.

It's like she pirouetted in slow motion, as she spun and twirled with a smile on her face, her dress billowed and rippled accordingly. Her long raven locs flowing with her dress. The full skirt of the dress flared out in a magnificent fluttering blur of the brilliant, silky white.

"So how do I look?"

"You look...absolutely stunning."

"And it's all thanks to you" Kuchel stepped up onto the gazebo, sitting down next to me and patting the skirt of her dress.

"You always look beautiful Kuchel"

"Well now I look extra beautiful" She laughed, her blue eyes were always so mesmerizing.

She turned her head to look at me, the two of us moving closer, Levi was still eating his Cheerios on my lap.

her lips brushed against mine, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that I could inhale her breath, feel the warmth of her skin, and the taste of her the tea she had sipped from a little while ago.

My dreams had came true.

Everything I've ever wanted, is right here with me now.

And that concludes,

Pluto Projector.

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