Chapter 2: The Unfortunate Woman

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Wind Archer and Fire Spirit walked out onto the open sand. Fire Spirit hated the feeling of sand, but this time he was okay with it because he was able to mess with Wind Archer.

Wind Archer: "This is it," he groans. "SEA FAIRY!!!", he howls into the open night.

Fire Spirit: I sweat nervously but sizzle because I'm made of fire. He wanted to meet Sea Fairy?!?!?! My one mortal enemy besides Wind Archer?!?!?! "Y-You're sure about this?!?!?!"

Wind Archer: He shakes his head at me. "Of course. She should be here any..."

The ocean burst upwards. Out flew a glimmering, sparkly, liquidy woman from the water.

Sea Fairy: She arises from the water in glorious fashion. "Wind Archer? What do you require of me?" She looks down to see Fire Spirit and glares.

Wind Archer: "I came to make a request for you to EXTINGUISH THIS EVIL!" He points at me and chortles.

Fire Spirit: I jump. I'm scared. "M-m-m-me?!?!", I quiver. "You're joking?!?!" Before I even know it, I feel a wet hand slap my shoulder.

Sea Fairy: She is in front of me with a slight look of lust in her icy crystalline eyes. "Fire Spirit," she purrs, turning my head to hers, "This meeting is long-since overdue," she smiles.

Fire Spirit: I start sizzling harder. What does she want?!?!

Wind Archer: He takes a short step back and avoids Sea Fairy.

Sea Fairy: She walks to my side and glares at me with a very hungry gaze. "I have wanted to speak to you about this for a long time." She slides her hand down my spine.

Fire Spirit: I shutter. "W-why?! What did I ever do to you?!"

Sea Fairy: She stops just above my waist. She bites her lip and snickers. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." She briefly removes her hand from my back, but then...


Fire Spirit: I turn a horrible shade of red. Holy crud!

Wind Archer: He takes another step back. He turns also a bright shade of green and gasps. "Sea fairy?!?!"

Sea Fairy: She looks at Wind Archer and smiles a cheeky grin. "I've always wanted to do that!!!!", she laughs.

Wind Archer: He looks down and rubs his arm uncomfortably. "O-oh."

Fire Spirit: I jump upwards into the air, floating. Her slap was very enthusiastic and I don't like it very much. "NO!!!" I take off into the direction of my volcano and almost cry. 

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 (Fire Spirit x Wind Archer)Where stories live. Discover now