Chapter 3: The Jealousy

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[This is from the POV of wind arhcer!!!]

Wind Archer: I walk back to my forest in solemn. Why would Sea Fairy do that?! I don't understand... "Sigh."

Wind Archer sadly walked up to his favorite tree, climbing it. "At least I have you," he sighed.

Wind Archer: "...Well, WHATEVER! I didn't like him anyways! It just got him away from me faster!" In the distance, I hear a faint singing. I decide to investigate.

Herb Cookie: "Here you go little guy!" He pours water onto a little plant growing out of the earth. "Drink up! :)"

Wind Archer: I see Herb Cookie and sigh happily. Finally, a friend. "Herb Cookie!", I call.

Herb Cookie, startled: He looks up at me with a bit of surprise before realizing it's just me. "Oh!! Hi Wind Archer! How are you doing?"

Wind Archer: I smile softly. He always was a good friend. "I'm fine," I answer. I let my face go blank again, I can't show Herb Cookie that I can show emotions. (:3)

Herb Cookie: He smiles up at me. "Good!" He looks back down at his plants and keeps watering them.

Wind Archer: I watch in silence. The thought of Fire Spirit comes back to me. That firm slap... I could not compare to the strength that Sea Fairy possessed in that moment. Did Fire Spirit enjoy it?, I wonder.

As the night passes, Wind Archer eventually disappeared into the thick of the forest. He couldn't stop thinking about Fire Spirit... but why?! He hated the guy. Maybe he wanted to extinguish Fire Spirit in the end...? No! Impossible! He couldn't possibly want such a thing. He was just tired. After all, it was 9:00 AM now. He should really eat breakfast.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 (Fire Spirit x Wind Archer)Where stories live. Discover now