Chapter 5: The Sparkling Herb

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[Hello sorry this took me so long uwu I was busy drawing cookie run OC's XD]

[Fire Spirit]: I walk into a cottagecore drinking establishment, looking around the room. I see Devil Cookie in the corner, he seems to be making fun of someone. I smile, proud of my son for fulfilling the Red Dragon's work. (It's apple cookie)

[Sparkling Cookie]: "Leave her alone!" He yells.

Herb Cookie seems to be talking with someone. He seems a little nervous about something.

[Fire Spirit]: "Stop, Sparkling Cookie!!"

From behind Herb Cookie, I spot someone!!! Could it be...?

[Wind Archer]: "F-Fire Spirit?!" He looks surprised to see me. "Is this your son? What's he doing here all alone?"

[Fire Spirit]: I fly over, landing next to Sparkling Cookie. I look at him, glaring. "Get away from my son!"

[Devil Cookie]: "...and... and you smell weird!" He laughs maniacally. I have never been so proud of him in my life.

[Sparkling Cookie]: He turns to me and glares back. "Your son? I should have known!" He hisses.

[Herb Cookie, desperately]: He grabs Sparkling Cookie by the shoulder and turns him towards him. "sparkling Cookie! Don't be racist"

[Wind Archer]: He walks up to me, nudging my hand. "Don't engage with him." He whispers. "He's trying to defend his daughter." 

[Fire Spirit]: I take a step back. That's... Sparkling Cookie's daughter?1 "I don't have that kind of respect for him... he's... destroying all my work!! Sparkling Cookie doesn't know what i went through to make Devil Cookie so... like me!!" Awesome like me, of course.

[Wind Archer]: He jabs my arm. "Don't."

[Sparkling Cookie.]: He looks back at me, dejected. "I'm sorry, Fire Spirit. I shouldn't treat customers like you like that." 

Devil Cookie and Apple Cookie are still arguing in the background. Apple Cookie looks like she's crying.

[Sparkling Cookie]: He forces a happy look on his face. "Please! Take a seat. Devil Cookie and Apple Cookie will have to work it out on their own."

[Wind Archer]: "They're just kids. They'll be fine." He nods at Sparkling Cookie. He turns to me. "Would you like to take a seat?" 

[Fire Spirit]: I turn a slightly darker shade of orange, but try to play it cool. "I-I'd be happy to."

We take our seats at a nice table with cushioned seats. He sits across from me. He is a pleasant sight to see.

[Wind Archer]: "How have you been since... the event?", he asks me.

[Fire Spirit]: I twiddle my thumbs a bit before answering. "I've... been better." I look down at my hands and sigh. "I'm... still sore."

[Wind Archer]: He reaches across the table and pats my wrist. "You'll be better in no time, I promise." He has a look of genuineness in his eyes.

[Fire Spirit]: I look up at him. I see that he has a look of concern. I smile very softly at him. He seems to care.

[Wind Archer]: He falls back to his side of the table, reaching up to wave for attention from one of the owners. "Herb Cookie," he calls, "we are ready to place our orders."

[Herb Cookie]: He perks up with a smile, walking over to our table. "What can I get for you two gentelmen?"

[Wind Archer]: "I'll have a..." I space out from what Wind Archer is saying. I watch him talk. Something about him is so... alluring. That scarf looks somewhat... silly on him.

[Herb Cookie]: "And what can I get for you, Fire Spirit?"

[Fire Spirit]: I snap back to reality. "Oh, right! I'll have a..."


[Wind Archer]: I look across the table at Fire Spirit. That ugly mug of his really stood out. And that hairline... where was it going? It was trying to escape his face more than I was.
I swallow and look back at Herb Cookie. I can't stand to look at him any longer. "Thank you."

[Herb Cookie]:  He nods, turning to leave.

[Wind Archer]: I look out the window. A bird flies past. The wind picks up to 13mph.

[Fire Spirit]: He tries to blend in with me, so he, too, looks out the window. He watches the same bird fly past. He watches as the wind picks up to a breeze of 13mph.

Wind Archer and Fire Spirit look out the window for five minutes. Just then, Herb Cookie comes by.

[Herb Cookie]: "Here you go, Fire Spirit, Wind Archer!" He sets the glasses on the table and walks away.

[Wind Archer]: I grab my tea and hold it up to my face. I close my eyes, enjoying the herbal smell of the camellia fills my nose. I ordered first flush Darjeeling tea.

[Fire Spirit]: He watches as the tea is set in front of him. He looks slightly uncomfortable.

[Wind Archer]: I look up at him before taking a sip. "Are you... okay?"

[Fire Spirit]: He swallows. "Of course I'm okay." He grabs the tea and stares at it, holding it close to his face. "It's just a little bit of... hot water."

[Wind Archer]: I watch him for a moment before setting my drink down. I reach my face over to smell at the tea. Yuck!
I recoil back and shake my head. "You like liquorice tea?" I cover my nose.

[Fire Spirit]: He sets the cup down. "Is... licorice tea bad?"

[Wind Archer]: I shake my head, putting my face back into my first flush Darjeeling tea. "It's bad for your blood sugar." I take a small sip of the tea, swallowing.

[Fire Spirit]: He swallows once more, grabbing his tea. He grits his teeth before taking a small gulp. He flinches, putting it down. He pushes it towards the window, avoiding it. "How... have you been since Sea Fairy?"

[Wind Archer]: I look back up at him. "Fine," I answer. "I've been thinking since then, however."

[Fire Spirit]: "Thinking?", he asks.

[Wind Archer]: "About our friendship. I don't trust her much anymore. I'm considering if it's worth it." I set down the glass, putting my palm up to my cheek. I look back out the window.

[Fire Spirit]: He leans forward slightly. "Uhh...", he starts "Are you thinking about leaving her? I don't want you to do that."

[Wind Archer]: "I don't trust her anymore." I look back at him. "She makes no effort to speak to me anymore, anyway." I reach up and take one more sip. Too hot.

[Fire Spirit]: He looks away. He seems a little ashamed about something.

[Wind Archer]: I look away, too. I don't mean to make him feel that way, but I can't help it.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 (Fire Spirit x Wind Archer)Where stories live. Discover now