Chapter 14: The Woodland

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A/N: just got done listening to decode by paramore.... what if twilight was a gay vampire love story??? crumbles of love vampire au story?????? (crumbles of blood?????????) :33????

[Fire Spirit POV]

Fire Spirit: We eventually fly back to the forest. It seems significantly less dark out here than it did before, and I notice that the cookies in the trees are no longer there. "Look around here! This is where we fought the Eternal Eye of Darkness!"

Devil Cookie: He flies through the trees, weaving through them in search of signs of life.

Fire Spirit: The fact that the trees are empty surely means that Wind Archer cleared out the evil. That means that he must be somewhere around here!

[Devil Cookie POV - omg finally X3]

Devil cookie: *he flies throuhg the trees looking for a sign of wind archer* ugh.. where do YOU think he went?

Fire Spirit: he couldn't have gone that far!! he doesn't move super fast like i do!

Devil Cookie: *ok... true. as much as Devil cookie doesn't like wind archer... he has to make it up to his dad for all the screwups he did!*
*he looks around the rocks and stuff, eventually coming across a rock laying in the water. he flies up to it and picks up a large white feather.* hey dad!! What's this?

Fire Spirit: *he flies up to devil cookie, looking down at the feather.* what the...

Devil Cookie "what?

Fire Spirit: *he takes the feather, inspecting it*

[Fire Spirit POV]

Fire Spirit: I take the large white plume from Devil Cookie, inspecting both sides of it. "This is definitely Wind Archer's..." I say. "He's been around here for sure. And look at that over there!"

Devil Cookie: He turns to where I'm pointing

Fire Spirit: I point to a spent arrow on top of another rock a few meters from where we are. "That's gotta be one of his!" I fly upwards slightly, flying over to the rock. I pick up the arrow. It seems to be covered in some kind of dry, black substance. "This must've been used against the Eternal Eye! Whatever it is, it's dry. Like squid ink, or something."

Devil Cookie: "You think Wind archer shot the Eternal Eye of Darkness?"

Fire Spirit: "I don't think he did... I know he did." I lift my head, looking for other clues.

[Devil COokie POV]

Devil Cookie: *he looks the opposite way and swears he sees something in the trees* uhh... dad?

Fire Spirit: *he doesn't seem to notice devil cookie say anything* keep looking around here, im going to go look over there *he floats away*

Devil Cookie: *he watches as his dad flies away* ... *he looks back up to the trees and flies up to the treetops. he looks for the thing he saw*


Devil Cookie took to the trees, searching through every crevice and hole among the trees. He eventually came across a second large pool in the middle of the forest, centered by a large, swampy willow. In the middle, stood something... or... someone...?


Devil Cookie: wind archer!!!

Devil Cookie: wind archer!!!

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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 (Fire Spirit x Wind Archer)Where stories live. Discover now