Chapter 10: The Forest

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A/N: thank you everyone for your patience with me!! i've been too busy doing nothing (playing league of legends XD #yuumiforever) -- im so excited to continue this fic :D

[Wind Archer POV]

The two cookies landed in the forest, stood upon a pillar. Wind Archer rested himself against the soft mossy stone pillar. Fire Spirit sat beside him. 

[Wind Archer]: "Welcome."

[Fire Spirit]: He gazes around the forest, curiosity glinting in his eye. "We're in... your forest?"

[Wind Archer]: I can't help myself, laughing very softly under my breath. "You and I sit outside of the Temple of the Millennial Tree."

[Fire Spirit]: He looks behind him, gazing at the golden-yellow wall. "That's what this hunk of brick is?"

[Wind Archer]: "It's--Well, I suppose it would appear that way now. Once, however, this temple was a revered place of worship. It was brimming with life; nomads, weary travelers, priests and priestesses alike. The time has shown its wrath over the last few hundred years, though."

[Fire Spirit]: He looks back at me, confused. "Huh?"

[Wind Archer]: I shake my head, sighing. "The temple is overgrown with life. It's seen better days. It is so rarely seen by anyone, aside from myself and the few people of the Churro Village."

[Fire Spirit]: "The Churro what-now?",  he coughs.

[Wind Archer]: I raise my head slightly, glinting at him. "You've never seen the Churro Village?", I inquire.

[Fire Spirit]: He seems to turn a slightly darker shade of orange. "A-Am I expected to have?"

[Wind Archer]: I peek my head up,  lightly brushing his arm with my bow's upper limb. "Come."


The two cookies made they're way over to the Churro Village, which was just behind some of the trees. The Churro village seemed quaint and peaceful, but way too quiet.



Wind Archer: He gestures to the village. "This is it." he says.

Fire Spirit: I look around the village. It's very calming and nice here, but... "Why is it so quiet?", i ask.

Wind Archer: He lowers his arm, looking around. "I..." He seems to nervously swallow, looking around. "I... don't know. The villgaers aren't a loud folk, but... something is wrong." He looks around, worried.

Fire Spirit: "Should we go knock on the doors?"

Wind Archer: He scratches his nose. "Perhaps we could..." He trails off. He suddenly seems to snap up to realization of something. "The Tree!" He shouts.

Fire Spirit: I jump a little bit. I didn't know he was capable of being so loud. "What Tree?!?!" I shout back.

Wind Archer: He extends his wings, flying upwards. "Come, Fire Spirit Cookie! The Millennial Tree is in danger!"

Fire Spirit: I am, admittedly, a little nervous about this whole sherade. But nonetheless, I fly upwards and follow behind Wind Archer.


The two of them soar at extreme speeds through the forest, making headway for the Tree of the Village. Wind Archer, in particular, seems to be particularly distressed.


[Fire Spirit POV]

Wind Archer: He flawlessly soars through the forest with his majestic wings.

Fire Spirit: I'm practically heaving by the time we stop flying. I wheeze as I try to regain my breath, however, I notice something is very wrong around me. "These are..."

Wind Archer: His face goes cold, and he twirls as he looks around us. "..Cookies."


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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 (Fire Spirit x Wind Archer)Where stories live. Discover now